Танкомастер 1991-03, страница 10![]() ORIGINAL PAWZER DIVISIOMAL SIGNS S I < Г 0 3 л s Ш < s ^ 1 * 5 0 < * s a? И id (Cv-Ш Old X hM S3-3 у 5 ш о I ш Ш Y L_ у ? о <c£ ui С < л О о- ic 1st Panzer 2nd Panzer 3rd Panzer 4th Panzer 5th Panzer [^H i : i i f i I . t • '« Gth Panzer 7th Panz«r 8th Panzer 9th Panzer 10th Panzer PANZER DIVISIONAL SIGNS FROM LATE 1940 ..I//,-» th,tr rhtorv in irance in 1444 the fie rmans doubled the number of their panzer divisions for the next rntnpnhrn. Sign, r of the old divisions и ere с ha nurd oud the iu ч \ivn\ \hi<» n lu re и ere mtrodw , d. /'«i«:cf division \ from onwards »'<?<' formed after 1940. The Cross Deutschland was officially a panzer grenadier i/mmh'» hut with lull tank re тип-nt and armoured reconnaissance unit under command it was actually a panzer division. /А- 1 st Panzer 2nd Panzer 3rd Panzer 4th Panzer 6th Panzer 1 r I I 7th Panzer 8th Panzer 9th Panzer 10th Panzor 11th Panzer 1 ^tli I'.in/cr Gross Dcutschland 13th Panzer 14th Panzer 1 5th Panzer 10tlt I'.m.vi Т-Г Л CZ 3 . ; ' 1 Г 18th Panzer 1 9th Panzer 20th Panzer 21st Panzer 22nd Panzer // Обложка подорожала"-называется заметка справа, она помелцбна ъьесь с намеком, что и на „ Благословенном" Запале.инны растут, ь частности, на обложку журнала „ ммдитери МОАЕАЛИНГ''- чрезвычайно популярного журнала дл<Я МОЛЕЛистов. Так что откладываете деньги на „Танкомастер"- ь новом Году ueha подписки возрастет до ло рублей 1 Что делать, своего лор.би в правительстве у нас нет, а анны на бумагу И печать сильно ьырасли! Cover price increase Soaring production costs have forced us to increase our cover price.by 10 pence to £1.60 from this issue. We shall endeavour to maintain our variety of features to the highest standards in future issues and know readers will understand the reasons for this increase in today's "economic climate." In response to popular request we have again produced some free pocket-sized "recognition booklets" as cover mounted gifts. This month it's Infantry Head-dress and next month we'll feature the cavalry. December's magazine will have a full colour poster . . . order your copies now!