Creative Woodworks & crafts 1997-12, страница 4

Creative Woodworks & crafts 1997-12, страница 4


Family Tree

English Hourglass

CREATIVE WOODWORKS & CRAFTS • December. 1997, No. 51 AU American Cralts, Inc. 1197.


Creative MiWnris & Cw/i«® lSSfS-1055-6721. is piifelisltcd bimonthly by All American Crafts, Inc., 243 Newton-Sparta Road, Newton. NJ 07860. U.S.A. All rights reserved on entire contents of magazine. Wc arc not responsible Tor loss lit unsolicited material. We reserve the right to edit and publish correspondence unless speciGc commentary and/or name ami address are requested to he withheld. Reproduction or editorial or advertising contents in any way whatsoever without the'w ritten permission of the Publisher Is strict!)- prohibited. The instructions in this magazine are published in good faith and have been ebecked for accuracy: how ever, tin warranty, cither expressed or implied, is made nor are successful results guaranteed. Periodicals postage paid at Newton, NJ l)7B6» and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send address changes to Creative Wootlivarkg & Crafts®. P.O. Box 518, Mt. Morris, IL 61054. Subscription Rate $29,7(1/6 issues. Creative Wooilwurts tit 0«/t.v® is pleased to announce its "Retail Display Allowance Plan," available to retailers interested in earning a display allowance on Creative yfoodmrks & Cra/<v®. To obtain details and a formal contract, please write our distributor for the United States and Canada: Kablc News Company. Inc., 641 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10022, or outside the United Stales and Canada, Worldwide Media Service; int., 30 Montgomery Street, 71h Hoor, Jersey City, NJ 07302.

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Thunderbird Silhouette


Thunderbird Silhouette .....

The Table Basket ..........

Reindeer Paddle...........

English Hourglass .........

"Up on the Housetop" Clock .

Family Tree ...............

Santa Candy Cane .........

Carving Section:

Carving a Santa-cicle ......

Carving a Santa Ornament .

E.J. Tangerman Profile.....

Carving a Seahorse .......

Carving A Gnome Nutcracker

"River Run" Plaque ........

Christmas Friends Intarsia . . . Intarsia—Cardinal Ornament . Santa Locket .............


Some Sound Advice From Way

Up North ................

Editorial .................

Full Size Pattern Section No. 1

with metric conversions Full Size Pattern

Section No. 2 ..........51

SEYCO Letter Guide

Review ...............80

Reader's Gallery ........85

PSI's AC 465 Air Cleaning System Review .........86