Creative Woodworks & crafts 2001-10, страница 66THF Crp iriL. yfWiA OP filial j Baltic Sircft Plywood ) The Best Grade available: B*SS ! #101 - 1/8"x12"x12;,~ $1.00 j #10? - 1/8''x12"x24>' - $1.90 j #102 - 1/4'fx12''x12" - $1.30 I #108-1/4Wx24,--S2.50 I #103 - 3/8"xl2"x12* - $1.75 j #109 - 3/8"x12*x24" - $3.40 i #104 -1/2*x12"x12"« S2.00 I #110- 1/2"x12"x24" - $3.90 I #105 - 5/8"x12"x12" - S2.95 | #111 - 5/rx12°x24" - $5.80 j #106 - 3/4"x12"x12" - $3.95 i #112 - 3/4"x12"x24" - $7.80 | finlandBircft Plywood Ait have exterior glue (!! Nc patches on back face!!! I #5241 - 1/32nxl2"x12" - $2.35 !#5241A - 1/32':x12"x24" - $4.60 I #5242 - 1/16"x12''x12" - $2.25 j#5242A - 1/16>,x12"x24" - $4.40 I #5249 - 1/8"x12"x12" - $1.70 j #5249A - 1/8"x12"x24" -: #5252 - 1/4"x12"x12" -:#5252A - 1/4"x12"x24" - $3.30 $2.45 $4.90 Hardwood Plywood j Hardwood Plywood Good Two Sides j Good Owe Side Red Oak I Red Oak 1/4"x12"x12" - $2.00 |#205 - 1/8"x12"x12" - $1.50! 1/4"x12"x24" - $4.00 j #206 - 1/8"x12"x24" - S3.GG r p|y^Q0|J SaiflPf Bf #210 #211 #220 #221 Ash Pfywood i Good x side i #425 -1 /4*x12"x12"- $2.25 j •#426 -1/4"x12"x24"- $4.40! [Try our sample pack, it in-; #255- 1/2"x12"xl2" - S3.25 i#200 - Wx^-W - $1.50! 1/2Wx24" - $6.40 i#201 - 1/4«X12"X24'- $3.00^ one pie<:& ofj Cherry j Cherry each type and thickness of; 1/4*x12"x12" - S3.50 j #260 - 1/8VX12V)2" - $1.50iptywood we self. #256 - 1/4"x12"x24" - $7.00 |#250 - 1/4"x12"x12" - $2.50 j (28 -12W pieces total) Walnut ;#251 - 1/4"x12"x24:' - $5.00i $SS.o& if puicnas&d separately #355 - 1/4"x12"xl2" - $4.50 i Walnut | #5018 - $54.95 #356 - 1/4°x12"x24" - $9.00 ;#350 - 1/4^x12^x12" - $3.50 j____________________________ $7.00! Maple <#351 - 1/4:'x12"x24'- ■ #453 - 1/4"x12"x12" - $2.75 { Mapie #454 - 1/4"x12vx24" - $5.25 i#450 - 1/4-,x12>-x12n - S1.75 j Natural Birch j#451 - 1/4"x12',x2.4" - $3.40 ; #310 - 1/4"x12"x12" - $2.20 j Hickory #311 - 1/4"x12"x24" - $4.30 j#375 - 1/4°x"<2"x12" - $2,501 #320 - 1/2"x12"xl2" - $3.25 (#376 - 1/4;'x12"x24" - $5.001 #321 -1/2Wx24" - $6.40 j fdahogany I ...................................~~.....!#275 - 1/4''x12"x12" - $2.501 Italian Poplar Plywood |#2T6 - 1/4**12 w - ss.oo i ^fcrsa^r^Bumin^) NatUfa{ Birch lyour blade with the table; # SQ-2 . $4.95 | 2 inch; Precision \ Machine! Squarej A must \ when j stack | cutting,\ Squares! ________________________#301-tArx^")^-$3.70 j_______________ When you call as you'll talk to more fhan jasl an order faker fff W& all own and use scroll son's f!f Premium Grade Hardwoods: Clear on the front face. The back face may contain minor defects. 6" +/-1/8" Sample Pack; one piece 1/8"x3"xS" of each species - # HW-1 $9.95 Ask about our worn woods III
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