Creative Woodworks & crafts 2003-08, страница 56

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2003-08, страница 56






Patterns Located in Sill Size] I Pattern Section No. 2!

by Alan Martinson



piece 3/4" x 8' x 26!!; - ... - J- -; msiiVoganx-^orte piece .3/4" x ^" x IT; aspo<>-~ \

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Tools: scroll saw .wi|h.assorted'blades: drill press' with drums pod 'sariding rnop;

asciflafirat|;sph|.le;sander:(optfooa!S; pneumatic' .. sander.(optional}.: palm sander

Wood&Jltfe \ " V ^ ^ - * *

Masking tape"

mnrtw^Rtofrldrtips - -v"' , --■ Clear finish,'of choice■■ ■ ■"." ■ : Hanger of choice;;-.;■-:■:-.;....,;-; ;:,v;


Transfer the pattern

Trace the pattern onto tracing paper. Having the pattern on a relatively transparent sheet will allow you to better judge the grain direction of each piece as you lay it out. Use the graphite paper (or if the wood you are using is very dark, the white transfer paper) to trace the pattern onto the workpiece.

Cut and fit

With a scroll saw, cut the pattern pieces to shape. As you cut each piece, try to stay just outside the traced line. This will provide room to sand the edge once all cuts have been made. Sand each piece using the sanding drums or oscillating spindle sander. Be sure to sand to 90° on each edge which will join with another. Use the finished edge of % each cut and sanded piece to trace a | more accurate cut line on the adjacent -| piece (or pieces), thus ensuring a tight fit. Use masking tape to hold the pieces together after they are cut and fit.

Shape, assemble and finish

Once all pieces have been cut and fit, begin contouring them. Various sanding implements can be used to accomplish this. Smooth each piece with a sanding mop until you are satisfied with its shape. When satisfied, reassemble the pieces on the backer board and trace around the assembly. Saw the backer to shape, cutting slightly inside the line.

Glue the pieces in place. Start in the middle and work your way outward, applying small amounts of glue on the lower portions of each piece. Try to avoid letting any excess glue squeeze out.

When dry, apply three or four coats of clear finish, sanding lightly between each application. Attach hanger and enjoyl ts

14 • Creative Woodworks S. Crafts August 2003