Creative Woodworks & crafts 2005-06, страница 10

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2005-06, страница 10

From the editor's desk

Hi, 1:olks, and welcome to the lC8th edition of Creative Woodworks & Croftsl One aspect of my job that I particularly enjoy is puttirg together ecch issue's Reader's Gallery feature. There's sc much talent ard creativity among you, our audience! For example, in this issue's Reader's Gallery, the work of nine readers is shown and every one of then has used his or her creative imagination lo complete their projects. Sometimes this creativity tckes the form of modifying a pattern, as Roger Sells did with his Bcckycrd Contemplation project. Similarly. David Marshall made extensive modifications to Larr/ Goodwin's Hardware Cabinet plans in order to make it fit his work space and particular needs. Often, readers use innovative materials. as with Jim Gress, who cut his ornaments from cardboard, Lucite™, I crmica™, leather, and aluminum siding, no! to mention wood! Others will add ari element to a design, as Karl Alscher did when he added four scrcll-sawn feet to the Wilckens' Snowflako Box. Ard then there are those who create their own patterns from scratch, often with excellent results. Whatever form your creativity takes, it really inspires us, the steff of Creative Woodworks & Crafts, to see your wcrk ard learn more about you, lite kind or projects you build, the materials you use, ard the ways in which you make your work uniquely your own. I cncouragc every one of you who warts to share your work to send us your project photos with a paragraph or two about yourself and the work represented in your photos. Mcil them lo Creative Woodworks K Crnffs, 7 Waterloo Rd„ Stanhope. NJ 0787/1, Attn: Robert Becker, or E-mail them to

Ir order fcr the art of scroll sawing to remain vibrcnl and expanding. I'm convirced that these who desigr projects for scrollers need to keep "pushing the envelope" cf their own creativity in a myriad of ways. Ore way to do Ihis is to design projects that present tned-and-lrue themes and images in a totally new way. This issue's Loriesorr e Scout project by Whitetcil Designs does just that. We've all seen scroll saw projects depicting a buck in the woods, but by plocing this type of crt on the blade of a home-made, all wooden hend saw, the guys at Whitetail Designs have made this time-worn subject come to life in c new and refreshirg way. Along the same lines. Dirk Boelman's Woodsman's Treasure Box arid Clock are two matching projects that combire tasteful inlay work with bold, clean design elements to create unique, eye-catching projects that many will want to make.

Ir our last issue (April. 2005). Orchid Davis created a wood-burned bobcat based upon Wes Demarest's photograph of an actucl bobcat in the wild. In this issue, we again used this amazing photo os a springboard to further creativity by asking our Illustrator, George Ahlers, to render a scroll saw pattern based upon this image. The resulting project uses two layers of wood to create a marvelous 3-D effect, which in turn enhances the bobcat's secretiveness and realistic appearance. Here agcin, our designers are pushing out the creative envelope to keep things interestirg, fun end excitirg.

There's sc much more I could write about regarding this issue, but space is limited, sc I'll sign oft and wish ycu all health end happiness.

'5 V



Robert Becker

A Few Highlights From Our Next Issue

Dragon Box/CD Holder by Dirk Boelman

Grizzly Bear Intarsia by Darin Liles


Jerry Cohen


Dufrw a. Cohrn

Vice President: ot' rircnlatfem ik Marketing

Marie- Claire IriactUmik1


Kobe i t Becker Associate Editor

Dc.bhic f/fcGonw.

Spcdal Project* Editor Dmiaraxi

Sonrtilntt l£di tori:

Sheila Bt r-mer Marilyn (..tiwxiit. Wayne i'owief Scoft Kocf'tertrJorfet' .Mm A. jVflJ.vriiy Dim Wilckenx

f ')hi, tiru'finon .l/tt oir Ftnii&e Hoy King Kick Hutckcson .Mm Polhcmtti Raymond Vfikkem

Majestic by Shelll Robinson

The Micro Mini Grandmother

Clock by Dan and Ray Wilckens


Robert J. HlmaceL

Art Dirt'cttir Kelly Atkr.rtsnn Assistant Art Ifirectur Ita vet iy Hotz Difciial Iiua&IiiR Tctiunmns.

Kathleen Aioxti ■ Jf'imifrr Wriirfmri

Graphic Designers

Kt'Hy firnch * Julie Ojlafid/icilo Marion Michaels ■ f.orie Rito(lc<n Teclmical JUiitstraUii: George- Ahiers

V'hv I)c nut Hist Wihtnaxtttr Jean Pake Proofreader Jennifer Novock FMbhf Kclationx MmMiii<>S. Cohen

R^ulcr Service (973) J47-69U0 CXt. 101


Brett Cohen (973; 347-6900 Hi


Dirk f/l-Ktxt)Ub!


Tu enny (.'re.cthv Wtwdiwrfa & Crafts® io your store, pierce wiiiu: All Aitwrftm Crafrs, Tnc. 7 Waterloo Koad, Stanhope .Vf 07874 (973) 347-&I00

For subscription information, write lu: Creative lWvwfiwr&v & CraftsQ-I'.O. ltnx Ml. Moms, TL M0.S41-8C0-877-5527 Subscript] curate: $29.9?/S issiio

If you would like to contact lis. you cun e-mail vs at;

r-liii ii s <&\vi n n ! wmt; saudcrufa .com or vjsSr Lur wetutire at: v.^^wcoihvurksacxfcral'ts.cvni

Published by All Amcricar. Cn-fis, I/:c. PRRSiniiNT Jerry Cohen SECRETARY

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16 • Creative Woodworks & Q-afts June 2005