Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 28

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 28

the 'e^oYoti* ixt con oteo be Mned over to etk-o obo.e the bench loo TM o«o*s >ov to pwh obiechj O^oirat # -^e© you ore on m#m

teMc* M ASrg ckamp parts. the poet wen the toe* do* c* me Oo^oi con now be r/>e*ted through me r«o*es ond me AJ^o port ol M ckmcn.

I then wnd screws lo oitocn the ski-CiOrrp p*eces *o fe doc« ol me tobto's side ivr-»oc#. (Mofce sve the screws don't p*o"ude beyond mo vde uxtoce o ord«' tno* they won't domoge .terns thot o*e clomped to».|

h'tth the vK>ng c«o^o potts seeded in pioce reoch through the pipe ho»es w#h o Pfn<l ond troce the •nvde of the ppe hc*s o^o me *do tctloce *o«-o*e the s»d^g cfcxro po»ts. ond mon the comets of sne ho*os veoxre from the sdo so the center "Oil ond from re top 10 me center mcrts, o-O tronsfe* mose meo^^eme^s to foce. o 'Or me ppos soposs

cOmp po*;

& Ccffi Wvor, »0T