Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 34

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 34

Onco you hove rxr kpc*ov # n wt* *o got <*>tn to the CKV3 pocess d *omr»g B moy toO« r»vr«ootr*g. but I wofk you through mr method step by l*ep. OhO before icng you w« be otio to >cr"e n your flood

f raminr| kxhnMjut*

sects© TM clone wont be enough to ho»d O 0.'*ng « ptoco W *»> ~ J ood »*.y *ton we dose re p-v:e vp Atv< c«xyi o peco of gloss ci*y>

<r ond tr*. <xnl Out d "'e Vor^e y-nj on or com provsor c compressed or ?eptoce r«e '-erne's boc*r» d*y cfeortng re gloss ono Kme

Heat need to be su»o trot more n no Oust in re cdtng <y on me »6t bekre we

put.? n tho l-<r» m

loci »eepng the free t*om oust o*d debns S-o*nng ft one d re biggest chdienges Ou».ng the process. Turn fert C»<y so the bock it toeing you W>ang yowr ccnv pressor ono Wow nouio or a con of

or. Wow the duit out *cm the bock (We

Once you hove setocted re reccrrmend p/tnj the ond vgnng ar*3 rvrCorg .t to your pece* ond whie i



in p'oce lgin «ne fromo ono there a no dn cr d.V w^chycv

C«</er the mot over re Cu'Vig ard OCPV pocang tope oxvnd the edges d the cdv-g as i do step, i let re mot Njng <rft me edge d the tob*e so i con roocn irdor reom to opptr re lope i *>po one udo then turn the poco ond oppV me tope to eoch side on me tope «s stuck down tip me pece over ond np mo tope down to

point drh«r by Fletcher to hold the Iromo'S contents in poco but you couk) oho use o brod gun o sfop»e gun. cr even tope rt you ho»e to. dmougn tope tends to toe* stoppy. Pvess down on the foom os you shoot me tov tone* *m> r* toe d the fro^e the presto w« hop to ho»d the cutting in the mot os wei as ma*o o rice ond neat frame. Nolo how each Pont A ocvoty presrtng oown on re loom to hod Ov©r»thng in ploce.