Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 53

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 53

tvff the t*tt«ri ogomt eoch othe< ond tope them to g©m©r i reccmm©r<l

'op»ng them on the

bock wde it rev o»e 'oped on the f'ont »*d© sowdust cou«d get trooped do t*een the tope or«3 pottem Ot »0v cut obscvmg re pottem


To complete the oot'orn*. odd the rc^oood mji *o nowontoi v©<von. ond th© coundod and lectongutor end* so vertical on©

▼ov moy be bothered by the spocrg •hot OCCl*S mth let tea such as "O" ■»*e *poce <»fW<c between the letter "O" ond the letter* *m* ond "I.* com pared fo thot between rne res' ot

'he letters 'he 'op eiompie sho^i the name "Jemmott" wm me ooz-eo ire* ond the one below has re domed iw removed tor clarity. tm n no* vK*d cocewon and thee t,

horv^© ipocnj lomye>© tot COurte. my soy* I'm fiAl O ond om loo cxkyj T>er© 4 o ^o- r©c th© poryvn* (hot con be vned so 1 Ipocrtg Cut out m© recsar^e ofcjog re ot o^cnt in© *poce. Vm any ■mMM^

rot obsevres the odjocen/ letter. The bottom eion**© th© na-n© wrfh mo ipoc^g ocfcA»ed ft you re rot OS picky OS I orrv you con (+f igrcr© tm irept] Not© mot mi* ipoc*tg erotism r* rot an axe r* *tten are po*nced verve**

Once 'he tellers ot the fust ond lost nome* hove been soocod and fO*ned. the '*o compete name* con be jointed togefner Cen'e» tre romes to each 0'h«r tho first r*>m© cn top for the h0"I0n?0* nom© piase or so m© eft kr the v©rticoi nom©


enough to «Oy

i rr

ih<k piece o' MOOO t becc^e* r Other t»e

sv©*» pk>ced up on os .1 posses through me wood can eoi»r coa© * so deriec* ond no' come out »n the correct spot on the other tide o* me «%ood lo pevem m* lo*© re tm© *o poce me <»• b» « the <tm prew chuck *o *<f cr* obo^t i/r f.vt, kom re cnx* o-o <w me ho*© or* mot o©©p r*e oe b» v%e be much mcr© rgo o-O **» ike* So defect w^ch rrx*es me wso sVp worm m© ©hcrt c>v-d re oi b' m© re*i of m© aro imh «yerg m© c*x*e occess hcke* I Re wo so set «m depth **op icy bom povse* w*en ding me ho*e* os it * very oggna»alng w*en me pmt chuck tea-* a hcie r» vcu patscrrr J

»i ft >yvrt JOW • U