Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 60

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 60

by Oon ond toy w*c*e<

locolodHMtofo—mlec«enHo :


r© wood

Copy She pOtt©"rt VOrng re cngryy. lor Mvre USO A/"«f seiec'tg *cm wood. p*0'* * to ^ cooc r«ckreu Cut wood to we of pottery Al tm>Qhf-edge pece* to

cut to we on o *atfe sow or ©<*»vas©nt lor occvrot© dm©<v kw vtroght ©O^evCv* sc»oi tow ©og©s to be o«*rwe

Atsoch th© co*v»r/. *> the ococW wood pece* vnog <ror o^ev*e t«*e vcre £'>:'<♦ to o©t©"nre re

V O"nount of odew« so us© too ^xh o^evvo me ponem a drtcue to romo-e; too **e ond re potfcm mo* come toose <J^o sowng J Algn tVOght odgos Of the oo^sem* wm re s»oghi ©oge* of re wood you t*ne


0*r>g o v-ol <Wt>* (*to hctfe o re ~o*t© of eoch cvtou* teed the ictoi to^ b*>3errough the *mafho»ei ond cut o«ong re sn©» feed th© t*>0© r#ough the re«t ro<e ond »0 on tctcrq ot re rritnor cuts «r\f for e>t<rcr cvh »ou con cut in from re edge or o« o smoi nye M? outvde m©e>«enorlre
