Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 65

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 65

Aftfce G*Vtg of COgOTy f— Aterto Conodo trot ■ *<J ICroWNQ yOOt

ogo ot treropy otter I recoverng t*om o terrt I"

M kA RooVfl an cie obovt Jv<iv Goto roberh and tee*tg re» I n-c-red hm to »-r wro^jr re covkS bo©.> woi he pure hosed o vted ond mode o irowt lekre re Me* 4. he wot hooked Now. re toyi "icon t to get up eoch dor »o

Dee' r-o ,wort now and I con't get I'm KV\j proof mot tooftng con

De me betr «om of therapy a* merer

f>~oofKJ mot yow'vo kvvJ tuch o re*odr>g hot** m*o and we lOrdieecetf.

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Von Antonio. 1* not been tooing for eight yeort Oognoiy from New Intend re row mokes hit home .n Te«ot The form Cock a from o p>on by Ort tootnon rr* odded the ant-mcfv mBtmoid and pefcet fence, ond rr cedo thngiet to me M4 Oock. Oetignt fr* wed tr*uo"od red bnc* tor ond pre boordt *o the tecod tea ham aproo thft^ei od *e twMr^ a c cedo veneer Thor* vowtornxhtor lettng

lot Andeuen of

Woveco. mn won 4tr» poce in the Open Complex Category o* the 2004 •ronton/ Tr. toiet Scot tow Celebrohon with The form Clock Who' mode receiving tr»t o*od even more tpe COt »ot the foci thot Drt Soe*mon devgner of >e fan Ooct and rn wfe Koen eve

vent or te ce*eOor->-x vted redwood to me Do* tmol hnget t& the dxrv ond tcro4ed fr> to me wrdnd oho mode Tre v<tav Oow wefch 4 onoro of 0>Vt detont The c»ou « mode %om ord cte^r wood ord me

onoe* ond letter*^ ore mode f»om brch pfywood mo* e parted god loo dsnafed the crow to W»fy liWergn Oxrc* «*ere # no- grocet me Ovrch't c*o

Soth pecet receded pj»p»e 'bbom «o o^tiondng wortmontrap crd firs* *oce DOe rfebont of re wotoco Ca^ty fat ftob rot been too«rg lor obowi ua yeot bwt thete were hrs Int oHerpn ot compe. o-d ne»o cutting CongroMofcy* lobi


long* lfOr"On MN I 74 yeot cW and t o reved crwrfl coeocto He rov mode cbcvt two doten large dOCtt by vov ovt devgryni Shown r*re oe The Dcr-e Clock ond ttond by w.dwood Oopgnt. wrot o Dooutfut protoniotov M >*ce



We opcode fo no* ceJ'r^j the pottern devgnert to two project* thown <n oo ho doy 04 teode' t Go'e*y The Hoe>mooneo poce by Steve •die* wot de^rvd by Arro Swee/y and me wood*o%eo Clock by Steve Goxet wot detonod by Comet Hoi

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