Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 72

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 72

pottorn for mo ccrt wopoe* on mo wre tx>'t© I mod tX<*v>3 fcr th© W>tt Sid© 'edh©ort tor bCOr Wood wood for th* v©rt<of hghlghti ond w«ng© Sc* mo dart mod fcr mo wre bottle. I uaod cW t& mo nock. w©h bk* or* for re *gr*grt* ond »©ng© for mo bodr of re bo"** T*e imol o*Cf »Ob©« 6 DC«*ar Kroundod by w*Ow T*e Ogt >obe« n popo bordered by mn t*-e pre tMpi w*m itrps co me ond to-er eft. and yekow heart iYCl on m© v«*r ana lower rfght.

for mo wno gionev i vied cnpen tor tho wt*t© oreov COxvja «•© of tho Wire t*ood*ood •<* m© ve«?» cof higfflgfes r> mo wre ond ccohvood for the hghlgnr* on too of tho wv-e Spatted boc*©Y* wot vned lor me sgrrfghh on re eft udei of the cfou bo*ti 6oe pre wm mod tcr re hghlgh* on re rtgr* sides of the gtow bo-* ana mo hgh^-jnti on mo wre g(on storm.

f"e toe of re choete is yetowheort ana re top <s MX» pre we> O mm *Mp c/ w»pw k>r ihodng Tho leaves ore mode from asserted srodes of pop*? in© noc*m * tx©«ood Th© too he* of re carx*© n oc&cr tte >o~er 4 c-* re Sop comer secfon « yeiowhoart. and mo

»*Ck 1 wengo. Tn© COtXfeUCt (I womA

Th© grap©! or© o combnonon of pi^prfeheart for th© oaker gropes <r«3 re^eort tor re Ightrv gropes, wvm a S©w mod© from corkwood lor CC*Or •Or'OVX pn© for m© cr ivr. cr» m© gropei ond r^yiyft on s»e dart or gropet

Th© Mf is spared buckeye. w4m bk^pine used s* m© shadowy

Cut out me pieces *or me ccrt wroc<*r re«t. ft and ^ue mem logomer glue it to re tcrte Ttw pece

I moped separate* Vcm mo bo-te and w« be o rry^kness. Cut and St tr»© pecei 'or r© wr© to m© thinness ot tr© gloss rims. i cut re Jof b^epn© fr\t rnnrl own c©n'<v% men cut m© out. Th© wood groin lor m© tco of m© wm© oryj th© ifvxAl run hcnwnsafrr ona r© gron on re vdes ifo%d nr» vertcaky Ou© m© bowfs of me fosses tit *ov© mo it©»rn and bases vfparos©

feoco the da* pcrhon of me botho or*o mo wood and cu* 4 o^ p peter so um *ocng popet ond carton popor to I'onv'or my pott©rni lo wood but use wt»< hover method you ore "WJ ccrrtotot*© fn© wood gron on re botts© o-d ccrt wra«*r *jn verfrcaty. ond m© gron lor me «>eh mou*d run horfjontokr. Cvk o^d ft m© largo sabe< so r© bc«e wt*^, you oct>©.© a f ft. glue ihoso peces "ogert-©r Cut. It. and glu© re nock of oo tte and re wroi tabH to m© ipwtr ponon of mo botn© 0 shape mo en?#© botre os one piece I

Cut re pieces Scr "e cheese wm me gron nmryg horV 1 ronsa^r m and gk>e m© cheese pieces together


4 c/c*» aohory jow