Creative Woodworks & crafts-096-2003-Winter, страница 171-20 pieces of same size 1/2" Scroll-Ply Insured Freight Charges'm Continental U,S. Order Value: $0-$20 00 add $5.95 Order Value: 320 01- $60.00; add $7.95 Order Value: $50.01- $100.00, add '' ' -Order Value Over &100.00, aflW 410 05 . Canada,-Ala-ska, Puei to Rico and other Iftiern&tidnal destinations v/tff incur rxtra l^^^mlm^^^mW^M 3/4" Scroll-Ply 3.00- OUR WOOD Scrott^SS"J^Z,. „ solid hardwood blanks that have the scroti world talking! Each blank is a clear color matched panel, sanded to thickness. Spend your time scrolling instead of trying to glue and plane wide panels yourself!! Just apply your pattern and start scrolling. GOOD '(you'll ALMOST hate to cut it up) SPEC-WOOD®- PERFECT FOR ORNAMENTS Clear sanded boards Priced per lineal foot ASPEN POPLAR or mahogany Excerpt from "WEEKLY WOOD NEWS" winter 2000 ASH BASSWOOD BIRCH OAK BUTTERNUT Plfwooci Price PSynge Prompts Post-YZK Peeler Parties MAPLE WALNUT PURPLEHEART CHERRY SATIN WOOD MAHOGANY GLADIBOTSTOCK, RUSSIA - Amid jubilant cries of "na-na-na-na-na, our price is lower", the plywood peelers of this small Baltic enclave danced until dawn with the knowledge that they would soon be the largest producers of scrollsaw plywood in the world. Scrollski Plywoodavich, owner of several birch woodlots in the area, declared "as soon as our wood gets to Heritage Building Specialties- America's finest wood source- all America will be using Scrollski's Plywood 1 bet". This "Baltic Birch" plywood is the ultimate plywood for scrollwork or fretwork. All the plies are birch, with no inner voids so the edges finish beautifully. Heritage sells Scroll-PLY that is always clear and perfect on one face, though the back may have an occasional plug. According to Heritage mascot Sawdust Sam, "special size pieces can be cut, ail yott have to do is ask!". Below: Table showing current LOW, LOW prices for Scroll-PLY, the plywood you don't have to disguise. 1/4" Scroll-Ply or write for your copy of our free catalog, or save a tree and use electronic version at for a complete listing of our products. HslisE get wood? Heritage Building Specialties 205 N. Cascade Fergus Falls, MN 56537-2208 Note: Since most of our products are custom made and very popular, there may be a production lead time before your order is shipped, please inquire at time of order 1/8" Scroll-Ply 12"x12" 12"x 24" 24"x 24" 12"x12" 12"x 24" 24"x 24" |