Popular Woodworking 2002-06 № 128, страница 6

Popular Woodworking 2002-06 № 128, страница 6


32 Building the Perfect Bed

With these simple tricks, you can build any size bed that's as sturdy as a mule. Plus, we give you the plans for this easy and elegant pencil-post design. By Troy Sexton

38 Arts & Crafts Globe Stand

If you have a library or a taste for adventure, a stand for your globe is just the right project. If this design doesn't suit you, we also offer three other options. By Dan Brody

Popular Woodworking (ISSN 0884-8823, USPS 752-250) is published six times a year in February, April, June, August, October and December by F&W Publications Inc. Editorial and advertising offices are located at 1507 Dana Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45207; tel.: 513-531-2222. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and artwork should include ample postage on a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE); otherwise they will not be returned. Subscription rates: A year's subscription (6 issues) is $24.96; outside of U.S add $7/year ■ Canada Publications Mail Agreement No. 40025316. Canadian return address: 2744 Edna St., Windsor, ON N8Y 1V2 ■ Copyright © 2002 by Popular Woodworking. Periodicals postage paid at Cincinnati, Ohio, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send all address changes to Popular Woodworking, P.O. Box 5369, Harlan, IA 51593 Canada GST Reg. # R122594716 ■ Produced and printed in the U.S.A. Ride-along enclosed in polybag version 52000.

52 Shaker Press Cupboard

A single drawer and two doors make this useful cabinet a challenge for the beginning woodworker, without being an overwhelming undertaking. By Glen Huey

62 Drop-lid School Desk

Built entirely with hand tools (though there's no sin in firing up your router), this small desk is a lesson in traditional woodworking and dealing with wood movement. By Dale Lucas

June 2002

Mid-size plunge routers are capable of almost any routing chore in the home workshop. We run them all through their paces and pick the best for you.

Cover photo by Al Parrish.



Out on a Limb

Time to Shape Up



Mail from readers


Q & A

We answer readers' most difficult questions


American Woodshops

Scott Phillips gives you an inside look at his new shop


Flexner on Finishing

The Case for Shellac


Caption the Cartoon

Win a Freud FJ85 jigsaw


Out of the Woodwork

Snakes, Scrap Wood and Justice by Walt Akers


Popular Woodworking