Popular Woodworking 2002-08 № 129, страница 28CENTENNIAL FLYER UPDATE As I mentioned in my column, the Wright have been so envious of this workshop and its Brothers Aeroplane Co. now has a workshop full complement of woodworking equipment. where we are assembling the Centennial Flyer If you would like to visit us, Wilkies is on - a replica of the Wright Brothers historic 1903 Fourth and Ludlow streets in downtown airplane built using ribs made by schoolchild- Dayton, just a block west of Main Street. We ren.While I write this, we have about 45 wing work on the flyer Mondays through Saturdays ribs made by young people from the United during normal business hours, except when States (and several other countries) and there we've "gone flying." On Saturdays, we run rib-are more completed ribs coming in every day. building workshops for kids in the morning Wilkies News, Dayton, Ohio's oldest book- and afternoon. Check our home page at store, kindly gave us the front third of its store www.wright-brothers.org for a schedule. to build the 1903 Wright Flyer replica out where folks can watch. And in another wonderful act of kindness, Shopsmith, another Dayton business, donated thousands of dollars in power tools! Orville and Wilbur Wright would This is our new workshop at Fourth and Ludlow streets in downtown Dayton.All those curved pieces of wood sticking up are 1903 Wright Flyer wing ribs, made and signed by kids. across the wood; see the photo at right). The smaller the workpiece, the more likely you are to use the jig as a table saw. To do this, rest the jig on sawhorses. Put the horses together in a T-shape, butting the end of one horse against the side of another. Position the saw table so the long dimension lays across one sawhorse and the edge furthest from the saw rests on the other sawhorse. Clamp the long cleats at the sides of the table to the sawhorses. Important safety consideration: When using the jig as a saw table, the saw switch will be under the table where you can't get to it quickly. To turn the saw on and off safely, either invest in a shielded foot switch or make a switch box and mount it to the side of the saw table where you can reach it easily in case of an emergency. PW Nick Engler is the author of more than 50 books on woodworking, plus countless articles. Currently, he's helping kids across America build ribs for a full-size replica of the first true airplane, the 1903 Wright Flyer. |