Popular Woodworking 2002-08 № 129, страница 5

Popular Woodworking 2002-08 № 129, страница 5


32 Power-tool Workbench

Put this bench behind your table saw and you'll have a traditional workbench, a great outfeed table and an enormous assembly table. The total cost of the wood, hardware and vise: less than $375.

46 Long Lumber Cut-off Stand

Cut long lengths of lumber to rough size without four sawhorses or a helper. This intelligent stand also works as an adjustable outfeed stand for many machines.

62 Fallingwater Table Lamp

Inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright's lamp designs, this impressive and adjustable lighting fixture is a simple weekend project.

66 Building Extension Tables

Learn a couple tricks and you can easily install hardware that will allow your dining table to seat almost any size family during the holidays. By Troy Sexton

76 Octopus's Garden

With a fence post finial for a head and a high-tech wind-grabbing rotor, this whirligig shakes its tentacles at the slightest breeze. By John W. Hutchinson

Popular Woodworking (ISSN 0884-8823, USPS 752-250) is published six times a year in February, April, June, August, October and December by F&W Publications Inc Editorial and advertising offices are located at 4700 E. Galbraith Road., Cincinnati, OH 45236; tel.: 513-531-2222. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and artwork should include ample postage on a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE); otherwise they will not be returned. Subscription rates: A year's subscription (6 issues) is $24.96; outside of U.S add $7/year ■ Canada Publications Mail Agreement No. 40025316. Canadian return address: 2744 Edna St., Windsor, ON N8Y 1V2 ■ Copyright © 2002 by Popular Woodworking. Periodicals postage paid at Cincinnati, Ohio, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send all address changes to Popular Woodworking, P.O. Box 5369, Harlan, IA 51593 Canada GST Reg. # R122594716 ■ Produced and printed in the U.S.A.

Build a workbench that works as hard as you do. This stout bench is an outfeed table, an assembly bench and is great for all sorts of hand work. Best of all, you can build it for a fraction of what you'd buy in the stores.

Cover photo by Al Parrish.


6 Out on a Limb

WoodWorks 2002

8 Letters

Mail from readers

14 Q & A

We answer readers' most difficult questions

30 American Woodshops

Scott Phillips visits Ernie Conover's shop and classroom.

83 Caption the Cartoon

Win a Freud FJ85 jigsaw

86 Flexner on Finishing

Storing Finishing Materials

88 Out of the Woodwork

A Lesson in Precision by Barb Siddiqui

4 1 Popular Woodworking

August 2002