Popular Woodworking 2007-11 № 165, страница 5

Popular Woodworking 2007-11 № 165, страница 5


Learn How. Discover Why. Build Better.

NOVEMBER 2007 Features

Number 165, November 2007. /^^r Wfaotfworftf/Tff (ISSN 0884-8823.USPS752-250} Is published 7 times a year in February, April, June, August, October, Novemberand December by F+W Publications, Inc. Editorial and ad vertisi ng offices are located at4700 E. Galbrafth Road, Cincinnati, Ohio45236;tel.:513-531 -2222. Unsolicited manuscripts,photographs andartwork should Include ample postage on a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE): ottierwlsefiey will not be returned. Subscription rates: A year's subscription (7 issues) is $19.96; outside of the U.S. add $7/yBar- Canada Publications Mail Agreement No. 40025316, Canadian return address: 2835 Kew Drive, Windsor, ON N8T3B7-Copyright2007 by PopularWoodworidng, Peflodlcals postage paid atClnclnnafl, Ohio, and addltlonaJ mailing offices. Postmaster; Send all address changes to PopularWoodmh'ng, P.O. Bqk420235, Palm Coast, FL32142-0235 Canada GST Reg. # R122594716- Produced and printed in the U.S.A.

70 From Concept to Completion, Part 2

38 Hybrid

Table Saws

Are hybrid saws the answer for the smal I shop, or are they a compromise? We test six premium models in a working shop to find the best. by troy sexton

45 A Better Way

to Work: Skills for Safety


57 Upgrade Your Workbench

Eleven easy additions increase the capability of any workbench, al lowing you to hold work of almost any size or thickness.

by rob porcaro

62 Greene & Greene: A Mystery Table

Exactly who designed this library table (that was later cut down to make a coffee table) is unclear. But its lines and proportions are excellent.

How to take your completed prototype into the shop and create the finished piece. by ted brown

74 Shaker

Music Box

This simple project, based on a traditional oval box, makes an easy and wonderful gift. by john wilson

Safety is not a set of rules, it's a way of working. This new manual will develop the skills you need to work accurately and safely.

by marc adams

by darrell peart

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