Woodworker's Journal 1982-6-1, страница 34


These pieces can be individually mi-tered and fastened with small finishing

Before putting on the finish, plug all screw holes with '/■" dowel plugs and sand them flush. Screws may also be covered with plugs cut from face grain of pine scrap using a plug cutter in an electric drill. Plugs of this type will not be very noticeable which you may or may not prefer. They do sand down

After sanding, ass,.

be used will depend on your individual preferences. The choices are all attractive and include light and dark

tones. Pigmented oil stains are readily available and easy to apply evenly with

Two or three coats of a satin finish varnish should be applied to all visible surfaces. The final coat is rubbed down with 4/0 steel wool to achieve a uniform low sheen. To minimize warp-ing, don't forget to varnish both sides

easier ^finishing method is to apply a number of coats of one of the modem

S;netrating oils such as Watco Danish il. Initial coats^enetrate and help

will enhance the color and build up an