Restoring Antiques
by John Olson
Pseudo Spanish Colonial Chair (Cont'd)
Editor s No re: last issue. John Olson discussed some of the various techniques he used to restore a pseudo Spanish colonial chair. In this issue, he talks about the glue, stain, and final finish that were required lo complete the restora-
Cleaning the dowel holes made the joints loose and since the original dowels were destroyed in ^the disassembly
most cases, a good wood epoxy took up the slack and the larger voids were filled with an epoxv paste made of dust from the belt sandcr. This was thick ^enough so^that very
ejwxynihf before thepaste was'applfed. Light clamp pres-sure was necessary to hold parts in position. Epoxy joints are much stronger when there is an easily seen glue line
After all pans had been assembled. I proceeded with the |