Woodworker's Journal 1983-7-4, страница 7rial assembly as a result of a dimensioning error on your plans. In retrospect, the error is so basic 1 almost blame myself for not realizing it during construction. The plans call for 34 identical spindles, 12 of which will fit between the Upper and Lower End Rails. The fact that similar spindles fit between (he Upper and Lower Side Rails and these rails are slanted 10 degrees from the vertical dictates the end rail spindies be shorter if a match at the corner post is desired. If all spindles are made the same length (10 s/« in.) the mismatch at the corner post is Vi in, plus. As I followed the instructions and preassembled the spindles to the side and end rails before attempting to dowel these sections to the corner posts (Sketch A), 1 did not discover the error until it was too late. My solution was found in cutting the spindles (A) free from end rails C & G, shortening 12 spindles by 3/t in., drilling the ends of the spindles for 5/16 dowel and redrilling the end rails for a 5/16 dowel. The project was salvaged but as a craftsman I get little satisfaction when 1 know it's a patch-job. Bob Schaefer, St. Louis, Mo, We regret this error and apologize to Mr. Schaefer and any other readers who faced his same dilemma. Certainly, to be of any value, woodworking project plans must be clear, complete, and accurate. At "The Woodworker's Journal", we make every effort to meet that criteria, however, as Mr. Schaefer can attest to. we occasionally do make mistakes. Our thanks to him for bringing it to our attention. $399 Delivered! Both Tables Adjust 200 lbs. Return in 30 $1.00 days for if not satisfied information Box 721 Elmhurst.IL 60126 Introducing Two Books for Expert Woodturning Results WOODTURNING TECHNIQUES By W. J, Wooldrige This gold mine ol information details every aspect of the an ol high quality wooa-lurmng. with step-by-step instructions on techniques, spindle and laceplate lurnmg chucking offsei turn-mg. long hole bonng decorative turnery, polishing -even sanding and polishing successfully with Carnauba Wax You'll discover how to. •Make 19 brand new lools, devices, jigs yourself. 'Select a lathe ilrom all sizes and prices), 'Create spectacular decorative turned projects. 'Adapt spec! lie new techniques lo unique projeclsl 256 photos and 72 drawings help you complete projects ranging from bowls and jars lo lamps and stools' Even the author's own original techniques on faceplate turning ornamental plugs rough hollowing and more-explained here lor the first time-are included in this inspiring book dedicated lo Itie finest in wood-turning designs 168pp. m t 10 Paperback S10.9S SAINSBURVS WOODTURNING PROJECTS FOR DINING By John Salrtsbury. Over 40 projects-including goblets salad bowls. ulensiis and a coffee grinder-over 300 step-by -step photographs enriched by easy-lo-follow instructions on proper lathe speed, lools. finish and more-add up to a book lor both novice and experienced woodturners looking lor exciting ways to enhance any culinary experience1 First time m paperback 160pp. 6 k 10. Paperback $9.95 STERLING PUBLISHING CO . INC 25 Whitman Roar). Morgan-villi NJ 07751 Of pi WJ5 My check/money order is enclosed for S plus SI 00 postage and handling Order botti books anrt we; ship treigtn Iree _WQOtmmWNG TECHNIQUES $10 95 _ SAINSBURYS WOOOTURWNG PROJECTS 59 95 Name_____ Address _ Ciiy_---- . Stat?. .2>tJ_ "THE NEW SELVA BOREL QUARTZ MOVEMENTS AND FULL COLOR GERMAN CLOCK CATALOG ARE ENOUGH TO RING A SCOTSMAN'S CHIMES!" I have been looking for an outlet to buy the hardware for a baby's crib but have been unsuccessful to date. Can you help? Steve Sonner, Bluffton, hid. The Woodworkers ' Store, 21801 Industrial Boulevard. Rogers. MN 55374 sells all necessary hardware parts to make a complete crib. Price for a complete set of parts is $47.95. To get more details, send SI. 00 J'or a copy of their current catalog. My brother builds models of old sailing ships and is trying to find a source for small figures of sailors. Can you help? Mary Moran, East Hartford, Conn. Model Shipwuys Co., 39 West Fort Lee Road, Bogota. NJ 07603 carries a (continued on page 10) M)W HEBE'S A THRIFT! HI V. the Sr* I m p r avcd ffiai <_>u.,i-- SIi ,(ri'Mil w ITH lumr l»ccp .ttwiil hour & minuic hiir>t! Mr Onlv V 7$ And >ou per Ihc Fin-rv Cluck Catalog tor ■■■■ Hohhmt Clack-main h? full Color f'.iyo nt Cluck Movcmcnl*. Dial*. Hands. 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