Woodworker's Journal 1983-7-5, страница 7Letters (Conta) come in contact with food. The current price is S7.65 per pint, $11.25 per quart, postpaid. Can you tell me where I can get liners for kitchen canisters? I need the square shaped, one gallon and one-half gallon size. Irie E. Bland, Huntsville, Ala. Kitchen canisters can be purchased from the company Meisel Hardware Specialties. P. 0. Box 258. Mound. MN 55364. Write to them for more details. 1 have an old chest of drawers that has been painted, perhaps with as many as four or five coats, i've been using a heat lamp to strip the paint and it seems to work very well. However, now that I'm getting down to the bare wood, I can't tell if it was initially stained or if what I'm seeing is its natural color. Should I sand until i get a uniform color? Any suggestions would be welcomed. Carmel Monti. Oak Brook Terrace, 111 John Olson replies: Yes, within rea son. the wood should be sanded. The surface should be smooth, but sanding should not be done to the point where it could damage such things as moldings and recessed panels. Cracks and crevasses should be carefully cleaned, with care being taken to avoid damaging the edges. Once you are satisfied with the general appearance of the piece, the final finish can be applied. In your July/August 1983 issue, you included a shop tip (Page 50) that suggested a method of straightening drill bits. Here's another method-one that I prefer to use because it minimizes the guesswork. With the drill press running, take a felt-tip pen and slowly move it towards the bit until it just touches it. With the machine shut off, the "high side" of the bit will be indicated by the pen mark. Using a plastic mallet, tap the bit on the spot marked by the pen. Erase the mark, then start the machine and check to see if the problem is corrected, If not, repeat the process. Since marking the bit eliminates the guesswork, it can usually be straightened in just two or three attempts Charles R. Blanchard, Becket, Mass. Can you tell me where to get music box movements made by the Swiss company Thorens? It's the type that uses a small disc to play each song. Leonard Meyer, Erie, Penn. Craftsman 's Corner. 4012 N.E. 14th Street. Des Moine. 1A 50302 sells a thirty note Thorens music works and five starter discs. Price is $114.00 plus $3.50 shipping. Write to them for more details. I'm looking for the hardware needed to fasten the folding legs to a card table. Can you help? Ben Klug, Fargo, N. Dakota The Woodworker's Store. 21801 Industrial Blvd.. Rogers. MN 55374 sells card table leg braces, either right or left hand, made of brass plated steel. The overall length is 10 in. Price is $1.35 each. Odds and Ends I'm looking for a woodworking club in the New Orleans area. Do any of your readers know of such an organization? Henry Heier 3443 Esplanade Ave. #110 New Orleans, LA 70119 (continued on page 9) MAKITA—HITACHI
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