Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-5, страница 11


Readers' Information Exchange

Looking for an owner's manual for an old band saw? Seed a bearing for a hand-me-down table saw? Can t find a source of supply for an odd piece of hardware? Maybe our readers can help. Send along your request and we 'II try to list it here — and hopefully one of our readers will have an answer for you. Due to space limitations. we will be unable to list all requests, but we will include as many as we can.

Does any reader have information on a Sears Craftsman push-pull 10 in. table saw model no. 109-22620? This saw may have been manufactured around 1947 just after the war. Any information would be greatly appreciated on locating the owner's manual and parts list and I will pay for any photocopying and mailing costs.

Richard M. Hunter 8323 N. 10th Ave.

Phoenix. AZ 85021

1 hope one of your readers can help me. 1 have a Shopmate industrial listed orbital sander, model no. 1800-type 1. 1 would like to know if the company is still in business. 1 have this address: Portable Electric Tool Co., Geneva, 1L 60134. 1 wrote to them and got my letter back stating forwarding address expired.

Marion W. Sulenski 1192 Richwine Dr.

Williamsburg, VA 23185

I am looking for plans/information to build a Chinese puzzle box — the type that has all those interlocking catches which need to be undone in order to open the box.

Richard M. Shields P.O. Box 416 Mesilla Park. NM 88047

I am looking for a new or rebuilt motor for a 1964 Sears 9 in. radial-arm saw, motor no. 90-0723, model no. 103.29310. My motor burned out and Sears has discontinued this model.

James Loyd 2209 Hollywood Muncie, IN 47304

I recently acquired a Sears Craftsman table saw model no. 113-22401, Sears no longer carries a manual for it. If anyone has a manual for it, I would be willing to pay for photocopying and postage.

C. Soldan 543 N.E. 3rd Gresham, OR 97030

I am looking for the original parts list and manual for an 8 in. Sears Craftsman table saw model no. 103.22160 manufactured by King-Seely Corp. around the mid 50's. I will reimburse any costs incurred.

John Kasey 14 Taylor Ave., Apt. 2C South Norwalk, CT 06854

1 have an old Craftsman lathe model no. 101.07301, serial no. 6L030786. The local Sears has the parts list on microfilm but no manual of instructions, Can any of your readers help with the latter?

William C. Fletcher 2425 Highland Road Upland. CA 91786

I have procured a 24 in. throat Craftsman jig saw model no. 103.23440, manufactured by King-Seely Corp. Our problem is how to tighten the blade assuming all parts came with the jig saw. If anyone can provide the know-how or has a copy of the manual. I'll gladly reimburse all costs involved.

Paul L. Eikenberry 5311 Staughton Drive Indianapolis, IN 46226

I have noticed that ail the suppliers of toy wheels have exactly the same wheels for sale. This indicates to me that some firm must make a tool for forming these wheels. Do you know of any company which makes a tool such as this to use on a drill press?

Norman A, Vining 895 Main Street Wilbraham, MA 01095

Would you ask your readers if anyone has a copy of a manual and/or parts list for a Sears jig saw, model no. 103.23151. I'd pay for the copy.

L. Murray 7308 E. 10th Spokane, WA 99212 WwJ

"I'm so certain this is the right saw for your shop, I'm making a 30-dav Trial Offer."

^ j. philip humfrepf

Full Size • EXCALIBUR • Full Power

TEST the Excalibur 24 like a professional. \ou')l convince yourself!

USE an Excalibur for 4 weeks. You'll be convinced it's everything we say it is - or simply return it for a full refund of every cent you've paid. Try asking our competitors to match this no-risk offer.

Vbu'll know for sure, that the Excalibur 24 Precision Saw is the best machine!


SlOQC c/w 150 blades, US X^O<l>. ruKHftl metal

Add $59.00 stand, instruction for magnifier/ manual, 24-month

lamp. warranty. Delivered (Reft. $120.00) to your door. CALL COLLECT TO ORDER TODAY! (416) 293-8624

J.Philip Humfrey Ltd.

3241 Kennedy Road. LTnil 7 (Dept. Ml).

Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1V 219 Telephone (416) 293-8631

□ I'tease rush me your illustrated folder on the Excalibur 24" Precision Saw.


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