Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-6, страница 9Letters, (Cont'd) really came back to life again. However, it's important that the eraser be clean from smudges before using, or it will transfer to the banding, Istvan Szonyi, San Louis Obispo, Calif. 1 am looking for a source of supply for old-fashioned milk paint. Can you help? Lowell E. Sheffield, Lincoln Park, Mich, You can get milk paint from Antique Color Supply, Inc., P.O. Box 711, Harvard, MA 01451 Concerning your article about constructing a workbench (September/ October 1984 issue, page 16), 1 have one suggestion which may help to alleviate a problem. No floor, whether wood or concrete, is level, so it's a good idea to install adjustable leveleis on the bottom of each leg, J.F, Koenen, Mt. Prospect, 111. Woodworking Club Notes 1 would like to announce the formation of The Tri-State Woodworkers' Club. The purpose of the club is to give woodworkers an opportunity to get together and talk about their hobby. Our club has been organized since last April and we have nineteen members, Orville E. Smith 2219 Carroll St. Ashland, KY 41101 Tel. 606-324-2605 The Woodworker's Guild of Connecticut, 91 Tunxis Avenue, Bloom-field, CT 06002, meets the second Thursday of each month. If you'd like to join, write to them for more information. The Woodworking Association of North America (WANA) has a woodworking show scheduled for January 11, 12, and 13 in Houston, Texas. It's called Woodworking World — The Houston Show and it will be held at the Shamrock Hilton Hotel. The admission fee will be $5,00 and seminars are free with admission. For show and seminar information, contact: WANA, 35 Main Street, Plymouth, NH 03264, Telephone: (603) 536-3876. The Albuquerque Woodworkers Association will be offering a pair of demonstration/lectures during the next few weeks. Wooden plane making will be discussed on November 10th, while on December 8th the subject will be traditional furniture woodcarving. The cost of each lecture is $5.00 for club members, $6,00 for non-members. For more information write to: Albuquerque Woodworkers Association, 615 Mission Ave. N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87107. vtSvj WORLD'S FIRST CALCULATING TAPE MEASURE! SMART/TAPE] n You just measure—enter—touch a button To make 33 different conversions—AUTOMATICALLY! • Finds Hypotenuse of a Triangle fasl, accurately • Diameter«-»Circumference • Meters*-* Inches • MilesKilometers • Ounces o Liters «->or Grams • Fahrenheit<->Centigrade • Areas. Volumes Plus... • Simple or Compound Interest • Squares and Powers • Reciprocals and Memory Calculations ...and it's a 16 foot/5 meter retracting steel tape! All the formulas you learned in high school—programmed into a palm-size calculator that's not much bigger than an ordinary steel tape! 33 conversions at the touch ol a button or two make this an amazing time-saver for anyone who works with measurements and numbers, NUMERICAL lurrans/ WEIGH!. distance. LIQUID MEASURE CONVERSIONS DIAMETER/ CIRCUMFERENCE IF YOU DO CARPENTRY, cabinet- making or general construction you'll rind the automatic Pythagorean calculator alone is more than worth the price of the instrument in time and materials saved, errors eliminated! Order TOLL FREE 800-243-1037 In Connecticut call 797-0772 Computerized SMART/TAPE displays as you measure—In Inches or meters For even more sophislicafed calculations Measure uc 10 6 different dimensions. store lttem then recall in any order to calcutale diagonal length, area, volume boars feel required etc. Measute Irom point to point, then adiust for sag. tension andtemperaluie Convert inches lo meters and back even convert currency ot recall phone numbets. instantly* $14095 -UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Use Smart'Tape for 30 days. If it doesn't save you time, prevent efrors. and give you the right answers faster and easierlhan any other calculator you've ever used—return il for a prompt, cheerful relund1 (tfiecFinecTboI Shops P.O. Bo* 1262. 20 Backus Avenue, Danbury, CT06310 Oty Qty Charge my "MasterCard LI VISA D AmEx □ Diners Club .SMART/TAPE jr. lit £49.95 (#108-0050) .Computerized SMART/TAPE (« $149.95 (#108-0001) Shipping/Handling TOTAL enclosed JiM. Charge my "MasterCard LI VISA D AmEx □ Diners Club .SMART/TAPE jr. lit £49.95 (#108-0050) .Computerized SMART/TAPE (« $149.95 (#108-0001) Shipping/Handling TOTAL enclosed