Woodworker's Journal 1985-9-6, страница 4





Editor and Publisher .lames J. McQuillan

Managing Editor Thomas (>. Bc^na! Associate Edinu Dai id F.Peters Copy Editoi Kimbcrlj Gcllatl) Contributing Editor* Jim Barrett. Rick and f llcn Bui/, RJ. DeCrisloforo. Dennis Prcslun

An Director Dan Thornton

Associate Art Director and Photographer Michael <ii'llall>

DesignerCraftsmati Mark ,1. /.iohro

Circulation/Promotion Manager !->nnc Strecler


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Computer Operations

Supervisor Kalhy Shook

Of the Manager Patricia Mcl^ean

-\dvci rising Manager Li nda Morris

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The Woodworker's Journal (ISSN (IIW 1892t is puhhsjv.t hi-mnnilih in January March. May. July. Septeiubei and November In The Madrigal Publishing Cou hiL P.O Bos 162V. New Milford. CT 0677ft. Telephone, i2llll 3.SS -26V4. f'r i nlcd in ihtr foiled Slates of Amenta Copyright PW2 by The Madrigal Publishing Co.. Inc. No part of thi- publication ma) be reproduced by any inelhod without permission from the publisher Second ells- postage paid ai New Milford. CT 06776 and additional offices.

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•4K The Woodworker'?. Journal

Getting to Know You

Every so often we get letters from woodworking traditionalists protesting the use of plastic laminates, particleboard and other such manmade products. Generally, they also disdain the extensive use of machinery and what they refer to as "high-tech woodworking. They not only collect antique hand tools bin also use them regularly.

On the other side of the coin, there are readers working in the contemporary mode who accuse us of devoting too much space to traditional hand tool methods and period furniture projects. These woodworkers eagerly seek out new tools, materials and methods.

More than anything else, editors want and need to know just who their readers are and what they want, so we pay very close attention to these letters and try to categorize them as traditional or contemporary oriented . . . or somewhere in between.

Apari from unsolicited letters, the best w ay for us to find out more about our readers' needs is to survey a good percentage of them. Some of you may have, or soon wilt receive a questionnaire which will give you the opportunity to let us know what kind of woodworker sou are. It's your chancc to help change a small part of your world ... and a big part of mine.

As the year draws lo a close, (he staff and I would like to w ish you and yours tranquility, good health, and good woodworking in 1993.

Staff of The Woodworker's Journal—How I: Michael Gellatly: Row 2: Maureen Murphy-Gereg. Jim McQuillan: Rovi 3 Tom Begnal. Dan Thornton: Row 4: David Peters. Mark Ziobro: Row 5.' L\nda Morris. Pat McLean. JoAnne Finkle; Row 6. Pat Malumphy, Kathy Shook; Row 7: Lynne Sireeler. Kim Gellatly