Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-2, страница 9CARBIDE TIPPED ROUTER BITS • PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTION QUALITY GUARANTEED WHEN ORDERING ANY THREE OR MORE DEDUCT $1.00 EACH. • FREE SHIPPING IN CONTINENTAL U.S. m BEST CUT MO. BESTPBCE KSCa™1 CKLEHUHR MGLEOEPIHVDUS'UWGE'ClinWG 5H«K QUI LEW1> SIS MICE SMCatMfe V SpinfCvtter V ScrjCulB V SpraCutef V SofiCJK' V SprsCdef V Eitgc Beatknc V Eajefieaw VDadOj* VDstfCia V V V r tv V Hound Ow V RajnflO«f V Round Oiei V RortOwr V RomiOw V FtaflSOwr V RMdCte V RomdOw HuMDmltortn; V R V R V R V P V R V R V R V R UnmeaPams v ¥ f IV IV IV IV ? 2'/ 1' IV IV IV V V V V V V V V V V V V V RomnQgee ' RonanOgee VR V fi V Pittem v ?m FusrTnm FiS'Trn IV V IV IV 'V V V 1* VI r v V I u 51Z00 SliOC s«o 515D0 $1100 SHOD S?200 iW S'i.0C 117.00 $17X S210G m S*20& S1300 S1400 USX $2600 S16X {1700 tt 500 vm V Sot Cutter V SdCute V Saaetnc ¥ Rittae^ V De« V Deec V Deec V Deec hv v I v tv | v | v !V V V IV I v I V $1400 £1400 SHOD £1400 ITEM HO. 1211 1212 ttlE 1213 m »4 1216 1474 CIS S779 BBRIWE DBCapT,0,i ingleobthrhmus lug£ cutdg Xlf mlfef IW. lsktx (462 W (764 f j•545 t&4j 1546 {646 X V CoftBm V CtreBe V Core Bra 1' CoreBoi Loamtre V StrwgPt V Sttgn V Stajt V SragM V Seajgm WETOSt nurd nxe KUtXK rare rose V Bufltat V Butte V Btite pungeoang puwaftnc twgecairg twgeeulrc ouigeaais V ) V V ! "as1 v i v 1" V SHU* SE puce $1000 V S1300 v | SI 5.00 v st700 V v V V V V V r IV v v V V v V OaiCne V Darfcme V DacrfCra v V V V {450 (233 M54 1455 tsoc 150! 1503 K21 *558 my •579 1879 •StITTongue I Greene TongueiGrcme Tongue & Groov? Tongue JGnxw Sr^n Stiqn Heme my V Beading V Beads* V Bears V Besta V R V R V R V R IV IV iv IV V r IV IV 1V Flusr v He* V Fttf V Fa* r MHI Tnmrfwg Tfflfing V V V V M TtanWail Thuw® IIV 2V 1* v f I V 1' V 1* i V ¥ V V v f 1V feting Pin Moon; Pare IV IV V V IV IV S&0C 5 650 $ 6,50 17.00 SSiO $1000 SIEfl! S2-X S2100 $2900 52900 $29 30 S250Q tnoo jiaoo $1550 S1700 $ 7.X S 750 $ 650 $ b 0C si 8 so s3s.00 $3135 $3136 New 32-page catalogue featuring 100's of high-quality router bits, plus other professional woodworking products. CONTROLTHE SPEED OF YOUR ROUTER ROUT AT THE SPEED THAT GIVES THE BEST RESULTS WITH THE WOOD AND BIT YOU ARE USING! FEATURES: • Speed Adjutabfe from M SpMd to 0 flPM • full Honapowef and Torque it M Speed* •Go Back and Forth from Any Pre-Sel Speed to FuM Speed at the Flip at a Snitch • Woriu with AJf feu ten 3v< HP or Lets •1MV 15 Amp • Glvei Your Roc-ter a Feature Only Available on Rooters Coating Hundreds of Dollar*! NOW ONLY $39.95 Order Item 8200 EASY TO USE - Simply plug in Speed Control and plug your route1 site the Speed Control -tum dial tor tiesi results (Speed Control has a clip thai can be worn on your net or Iwg on wait or HI loose.) ■ Reduces Sfeed electronically without reducing torque: electronic feed-back maintains speed by increasing vo;tase TO motor as load increases To order by Master Charge, Visa, or Discover Call Toll Free, 7 Day - 24 Hour Order Service, 1-800-533-9298 or send check to: MLCS Ltd., P.O. Box 4053JP, Rydal, PA 19046 1992 MLCS Ltd. MAKE BEAUTIFUL RAISED PANEL DOORS WITH YOUR... 1/4"or1/2" ROUTER ... 1/2 "or 3/4" SHAPER Professional production quality bit makes it quick and easy to produce matching rails and stiles — the panel raising bit with ball bearing guide makes the raised panel perfect every time. SALE PRICE* C££095 Regular value FOR COMPLETE SET over $150.00! 1/4" Shank set item #554 (includes both bits shown) SET M.SO AVAILABLE IN V SHANK • S79.95 - •(■) *852 RAISED l>AN£L 8IT SUPPLIED WITH BALL BEARING 7 Laige Quw CARBIDE TIPPED I Sh®rk SftaoerCutmset Item #1059 SAVE! only $99.95 Set Rail & Stile & Raised Panel Cutters REVERSIBLE COMBINATION RAIL and STfLE BIT (For nuking mtfctfcPQ lafe arw mas <n note Ural tan rttaki WIT Moc Irom 11 lFB? B-lhck March/April 1993 Please circle No. 8 on the Reader Sen il e Card 9 |