Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-4, страница 65



Our big upcoming September/October issue includes a great mix of projects and features, with something for everyone. For those of you who can't get enough heirloom type pieces, leading off the project list is a Classic Blockfront Chest from Berea College's Wallace Nutting Collection. There's a handsome and functional Farm Table, and, for fans of scroll saw work, we've included a Bunny Puzzle and an elegant Sunset Rider Oeskset.

But this is just a taste of what's in the works. The issue will also include a knock-your-socks-off Intarsia Eagle, a super Box Joint Jig. and several easy-to-make weekend projects. Plus, there's our usual lineup of interesting and timely articles—not the least of which is a Benchtop Lathes Review with a special focus on the popular new mini-lathes. It would hardly be fair to give away all the secrets here, but take our word for it—this is one issue you won't want to miss!

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