Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-5, страница 4





A Little History

For most of the 17 years since The Woodworker's Journal was launched, we were a magazine sold mainly by subscription and at a few selected newsstands. Today, thanks to an additional distributor, you can find The Woodworker's Journal just about anywhere. All this exposure has introduced us to a whole new generation of woodworkers and 1 thought il might be a good idea to let our new friends know just w ho we are and what we do.

The Concept

I founded The Woodworker's Journal because, as a hobby woodworker, 1 felt that there weren't enough quality plans available. I also discovered that the plans being published were often unclear and contained errors. Evidently, the folks publishing the plans hadn't taken the time to thoroughly check all the details.

Then and there I decided that The Woodworker's Journal would not just publish plans: it would publish accurate plans. Today, every plan in the magazine goes through an exhaustive 21 -step checking procedure to insure that the instructions you're working from are as accurate as possible. When you build from our plans, you can be reasonably certain that everything will woti; out right.

We Read Your Letters

Every' day our mail brings us your letters asking for more toys, more easy projects, more challenging projects, more country designs, more scroll saw patterns . . . well, you get the picture. Making certain thai each issue lias an ideal balance of elegant and easy, country and classic is not only a challenge but an obligation. In a year's worth of issues, you 'll have a wide range of fine projects to choose from.

In ttjis issue, you may not want to build the classic Blockfront Chest right now, but salt it away in your "dream project" file and when lime and energy allow, it will he wailing. Until then, there are plenty of recreational woodworking projects and fun things like the Sunset Rider Desk Set or the Quilt Crane to occupy a few hours or a weekend.

Free Full-Size Patterns

We often receive requests for full-size patterns. Whenever space allows, we always include these in the issue. But a lot of things are just too large, so we have to put them on grid squares.

As a special service to our readers, we are offering free Full-Size Patterns for four projects in this issue: the American Eagle intarsia project, the Quilt Crane, the Farm Table leg. and the Blockfront Chest profile. Just send a self-addressed stamped 9 in. by 12 in. envelope (put 52 cents postage on the envelope) to: Free Patterns, The Woodworker's Journal, P.O. Box 1629. New Milford, CT 06776.

Editor and Publisher James J. McQuillan

Managing Editor Thomas G. Regnal Associate Editor Da* id F. Peters Copy Editoi kimherh (itllall v Contributing Editors Jim Barrel!, Rick and Kllen Hiilz. Dennis Preston, Robert J. Hlasacek. Sr.

Art Directnt Dan Thornton

Associate An Director artd Photographer Michael (>etlatl\

DesignenC raftsman Mark J. Ziohro Circulation Promotion Manager Lj nne Slreeter


JoAnne t inkle. Maureen Murphy-(ierefi Distribution Patricia Malumphy

Computer Operations Supervisor kath) Shook

Office Manager Patricia McLean

Advertising Manager Lynda Morris

Advertising Sales

Dan Ramage. Carolyn Ray.

Chris Luke


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Subscription Department The Woodworker's Journal

PO Bo* 1629

New Milford, CT 06776

Tel. <20J| 355-2694

lh. Handworker's Journal (ISSN 0IW-I892) i» published hi HKmlliU in January March, May, July. September and November h) The Madrigal Publishing Co . In. CO Ho* 16?). New Milford. CT 06776. telephone 13)31 WS-W* Cot^tight t<W3 h> The Madrigal Publishing Co.. Inc No part of this publication may he reproduced by any ineihud wilhout permission from the publisher.

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Materials suhrtiilted fur editorial consideration will he treated with care whrle in our possession, bul wt cannot assume responsibility lor loss or damage.

I S A \ewsstattd Distribution by Kasiem News Distributors. Inc.. 2020 Superior Street. Sandusky. OH 44870: lei. 1-SOO-22I-314K.

Pholo Credits: Tom Barrett, pp. 55-5y. Gerard Rov, Cover, pp i. 27, 50, 65. Mike Farrell. pp 22-24

Props courtesy of: Church Street Trading, filets-Milford. Conn., pg. <12: The Silo. jVch Milford. Conn .pt>. SO.

Prinled in the U.S.A.

4 The Woodw orker'5 Journal