Woodworker's Journal 2001-25-1, страница 10



Malt Call! Contact us by writing lo "Letters".

Woodworker's Journal. 4365 Willow Drive, Medina. Minnesota 55340, by fax at

(763) 478-8396 or by e-mail: letters 9 wood worker sjou mal. cam- We ask that all letters, Including e-mails, include a mailing address and phone number. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity.

A Better Biscuit Report

Your report on biscuit cutters (Biscuit Joiner Roundup, December 2000) could have been so much better if you had included a summary chart showing: a. each cutter with part number, price (include street and sale prices.). phone, web site; b. size of cutter C. number of teeth: d. type of teeth (carbide or whatever): e. motor size (OK to use amps); f. motor speed, fixed or adjustable;

g. max speed of motor;

h. fence adjustment angle;

i. special features.

It's easier to review the features in a chart than lo dig them out of the text. It would also be helpful lo recommend one or more of the units being reviewed. Consumer Report does a good job of comparing items,

Richard A. Mortenson Stow, Massachusetts

More on Norm

I read Larry Stoiaken's note about the letters defendinR Norm Abram

(On the [jevel, October 2000). He said that no one had sent in letters but to defend Norm. Well, here is one for the other side.

Norm is good at what he does, but he is not a craftsman in the category of the great names that were mentioned in the original letter about Norm's award. Norm is a very good basic woodworker. He cannot be considered as one of the great craftsmen of our lime.

Stanley Risk Crawfordville, Florida

I feel compelled to come to Mr. Petersen's defense {tetters, "Norm's No Ten." June 2U00). Norm Abram has been terrific lor woodworking — by popularizing woodworking — much as Muhammad Ati popularized boxing and Arnold Schwarzenegger popularized bodybuilding. But tliis is not to say that by popularizing a vocation, one is the best there ever was in thai vocation,

I'm alraid my Neanderthal tendencies force me to side with Mr. Petersen, since I find it difficult to award a greatest woodworking award lo someone who uses a biscuit joiner!

Kick Donahue Sierra Vista, Arizotui

While I don't doubt Norm's sincerity, nor his contributions to the hubby of

What a pleasure il was to see all of the responses supporting Norm Abram. Through the "New Yankee Workshop," Norm lias given many "amateur" woodworkers such as myself not

woodworking, 1 doubt anyone will cite him for his sense of design or proportion or the advancement of woodworking. I was surprised while reading your letters section (October 2000). It amazed me that serious woodworkers would be ignorant of true leaders in this field: Krenov, Kirby, Nakashima. Malool. etc. These arc probably the same people who make silhouettes out of plywood.

Perhaps I am a snob. Perhaps your readers need exposure to these men. Maybe your fine publicalion can assist in this endeavor by profiling the living legends of our day. Or maybe we should all be content to watch Norm in our tool embroidered socks while wearing a Tool Time" T-shirt, dreaming of a really big piece of pine to make another Shaker stepstool.

Paul Warwick Akron. Ohio


February 2001 Wood wo rker's Jo u mat