Woodworker's Journal 2001-25-1, страница 24



Cleaning the Air

Body filler in an oversized cavity

Machining Irregular Shapes

I have a trick for cutting a groove into an irregular shape, such as a wooden egg. I use four short pieces of 1/4" dowel to join three pieces of scrap. Scoop out a cavity on the two side pieces of the jig, so the egg will fit between them with some to spare. Wipe the egg with "butcher's wax" to insure separation, then mix enough body filler to take up the space in the cavity. Squish the jig parts together and let your filler harden.

Now you may set your rip saw at the proper distance and safely pass your egg through.

Forrest Brown Hampstead, New Hampshire

Squirrel cage fan

Make a Dust Trap

I made my own dust trap with twelve 15" x 20" filters and a squirrel cage fan salvaged from an old furnace. I built a frame and mounted the filters in courses of three per side. The squirrel cage fan sucks the dust}' air in tlirough the filters and pushes it out of the bottom of the tower. I also wired a power outlet onto the bottom section for convenience. With the possible health problems associated with extensive dust exposure ... this is one "tool" I just won't work without.

Michael Burton Glorieta, New Mexico

Aluminum Safety Shield

I often use a flexible shaft tool, equipped with a small sanding drum, for intricate detail sanding. It's work that requires all my concentration and attention and sometimes I hold the work, and the tool, pretty close to my body. Several times I have snagged the sanding drum in my shirt! Once, I broke the flexible shaft due to this problem. So. I cut a piece of thin aluminum (about a 1U" x 10" square) and drilled a small hole near one edge. Now I hang this aluminum bib from my shirt button lo protect myself and my shirts. Nothing catches on this smooth surface.

Don Stutzman Johnstown. Pennsylvania

Double-stick Trick

The bottom bag on my dust collector is held tight with a locking band. The bag is always slipping off as I try to set the locking band in place. I discovered that if I put a bit of double-faced tape on the lip, the bag stays put as I drop the locking band in place.

Tom Bowman Woodburn, Indiana

Tricks continues on page 26...

24 February 2001 Wood wo rker's Jo u mat