Woodworker's Journal 2001-25-1, страница 86Some dovetail jigs promise you everything... WiffS^,STORE The Keller Dovetail System only promises what it can deliver. I*ast setup. No test cuts. Precision joinery. Unlimited widths. Classic and variable spacing. Compound, acute and ohtu.se angles. Curved dovetails. Box joints. Made in USA since 1976. 20-yr. warranty. 30-dav money-lwck guarantee. "Your best choice. It's the easiest of all the jigs to use and great tor production use." - WovdrntrtoT \ fwrmti MUtt); SS.9S + S2 IVH KELLER & CO. 13271' Sunt,. Dept. Jit Btnbnu. CA WW 1 -SOO-W5-2W> 707-763<»336 Keller Dovetail System Simple. Fast. Accurate. Enjoyable! (Circle No. 49 on PRODUCT INFORMATION form) i 1 /\/V\ -Shipping S3.T5 per order Mwoqdune ^ARIZONA, Inc. 4 0^470 lous PO Box 1530'Payson. AZ M547 V7?V Great Router Bits and Shaper Cutters Tevci Hitw-Qotmt CtrMt • £»r* MtH-UMtti SuftrSHek Urn-Slick faith- SUftft LOW PBICfS 5 HCW MOULDING CUTTERS WL1466-1 Door Edge, only ™ Table Edge. $25.E3 etC. 1/7 shank toulei bits WL1466-2 WL1466-4 2"dia) >1 i.2"dia) WL-1466-3 (2"dia) WL1466-5 (2 1/4" dia) MAKE YOUR OWN WINDOWS with our 3 piece sash cuneR sers Make sash using a butt joint, dowels or tenons. 1/2" shank Router Bit 3-pc. set - WL-1364-S ,„/, $89. "SASH MAKING" VHS Video WL-V-4 ufy 2.95 ea Also tvtihlrlt in 3W &ote Siiaper Cutte 3-pc. utn cntriR ;ei w.Heawig WM J64-SCS only s139. e-mail: cutters@netzone.oom 4.WING CUTTER SMALL p •R0LK0- BISCUITS. Great lace 1rame&. picture tRmes, ( CUTTER plus 250 SMALL BISCUIT WL-1342-2 uty '20. EXTRA BISCUITS, - ul, '8. Ifitt Cifilog 600 iltms (Circle No 104 on PRODUCT INFORMATION form) 86 bui&tw Lighting Up for the Perfect Cut Wayne Tarris's Pacific Rack & Machine has invented tools to help woodworkers achieve the goal of perfection. LEI) displays on the BladeGauge' and AnglePerfect jigs light up when you've achieved the proper adjustment, making it easy to recreate table saw blade height and angle adjustments. Magnetic bases hold the jigs to your saw while you adjust the blade. The Angle Perfect™ assures the accuracy of the 45 and 90 degree angle settings of your table saw to ,002 inches of accuracy. The tools sell for about S40 each. For info, call 877-220-2699 or visit www.bigleg.com. Both the BladeGauge™ (above) and Angle Perfect™ feature an LED that lights up when your blade contacts the jigs, ensuring perfect blade adjustments and repeat cuts. Conversion Gun: "Spraying's Future" with an air compressor as small as f1! HR but has the same features as the guns in Wagner's Model 2900 and 2600 turbine systems. A patented dual air control valve lets the user direct air flow, and the gun also has a "non-bleeder' quality and a patented method of reducing bounceback. The product transfer efficiency rating is 89 percent.The gun has three spray patterns — vertical, horizontal and round — while trigger control allows you to adjust from a 1/4" to 10" spray pattern. Cost is about $300. For more info, it's 800-328-8251 or www.wagnerspraytech.com. Wagner Spray Tech sales director TonyTorntore believes "The conversion gun is the future." Wagner's HVLP (high volume, low pressure) conversion gun will work |