Woodworker's Journal 2004-28-4, страница 53ROUSSEAU CO. Quality Power Tool Accessones ► Table Saw Stands * Rojter Tables ► Mobile Planer Stard ► Miter Saw Stands ► Router Accessories & Much Mors! ONE STOP SHOP 800-635-3416 • vrww.rousseauco.coin (Circic No 65 on PRODUCT INFORMATION form) ■work! tURNAL^SV Orri / J 0,000 WxxfwcKcrj Can ! Oc WfOJ. Cirdo No. 188 on the Product Into card in this issue to sign up for the FP.EE Woodworker's Journal eZine. Why wait? Subscribo online: woodivorters|ournal.com/ezine084t.(lm (Cifde No. 188 on PRODUCT INFORMATION form) COLORED ENUWALLS %EL£CTED Lil A 1' MODELS r ALL STEEL ^ SUPER TOUGH WITH A 25 VEAft WARRANTY Ideal for: • Small business location • A workshop for wocdworkers ■ A slngla or mur.lplo ^ car garage ' ' Lmlodtrr* olUi 800/891 -6733 ask for ext. 719 wvw.s 'oels<)nn. com iCircb No 7 or, PRODUCT INFORMATION foim) OVER 500 ONLINE PLANS I-800-403-9736 -or- rockler.com/go/V4373 Call or go online to get your FREE catalog today! code 74014 (Circle No 64 on PROD JCT 'NFORMA'ION form! 86 Polishes and Compounds These art? finish products designed for very dense, hard exotic materials like cocobolo and ebony, which do not need sealing, and arc popular finishes with pen turners. One common brand is the HUT products. There are various fot mutations of hard waxes and polishing agents, which can be applied directly to the wood and then buffed off under power. 'Hie result is a hard glossy finish that wears well. Soaling Your Work 'Ihe process of turning produces both end grain and flat grain on the final surface. And as they will absorb finishes at remarkably different rates, it's a good idea to use a sealer coat, especially 011 exposed open end grain. This is particularly true if you are trying to achieve a uniform stain color, or build up id a glossy surface. One of the best sealers is shellac, thinned with denatured alcohol and mixed with a small amount of linseed oil. Furniture finishers will recognize this formula as "French polish." and indeed it can be used as a finish all by itself if you build successive coats. You can also use a nitrocellulose (lacquer type) sanding sealer for this purpose. Mix it thoroughly, thin it well, (50%) and let it penetrate, i am a bit leery ot applying this stuff under power, as it docs like to grab rags! Protect your li ngs from the volatiles in this material; use a mask rated for organic vapor. Sand it well before progressing to the next step. Padding Lacquer This is a hybrid of French polish/shellac made by several suppliers. The one I use most often is sold by Mylands, a British outfit. It works like shellac, and probably contains some, but the formula finishes harder than shellac and has a better build rale. Apply it with a wet rag pad under power, and then polish it with a dry rag under power. It is great for small spindles and vessels made from exotic woods. £ Steve lilenk is the newest contributing editor to Woodworker's Journal. |