Woodworker's Journal 2009-33-1, страница 83


"Perhaps it is presumptuous of me, but I rather

suspect it would be a lot easier to learn how to stain wood so that it comes out even."

a thin sheet of vinyl or mylar onto MDF or wood. That laminate contains a color photo of whatever wood they want to mimic. Obviously, that's not practical in your case.

There are techniques for fake graining, or faux bois as it is called, which use finish to mimic the look of wood grain, and you can certainly learn them. Most art and home stores sell graining tools and all the materials you need to do this once popular finishing technique, and some companies even

sell kits to do it. But I have to warn you that it involves a lot more skill and practice than the literature implies. My local home improvement store even carries several books that teach fake graining, and I know of a number of finishing schools that teach these nifty tricks.

If you can't afford taking a class and don't like learning from books, find your closest local community theater and sidle up to the set painter. I've yet to meet a good set painter that did not know how to do fake graining.

You might also take a look at this website, where you will find some rudimentary fake graining instructions: www.zinsser. com/Faux Details, asp ?ProjectID=29 That said, perhaps it is presumptuous of me, but I rather suspect it would be a lot easier to learn how to stain wood so that it comes out even. Before you ask, I've covered that topic repeatedly both in previous issues of this magazine and in all four of my books on finishing.

WINNER! For simply sending in his question on faking wood stain, JeffNoyes of Macon, Georgia, wins Liberon's Repair, Renovate and Revive Furniture Kit. Each issue we toss new questions into a hat and draw a winner.

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Woodworker's Journal February 2009