Woodworker's Journal Toy-Bulldozer, страница 4


Toy Bulldozer Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Make the Under Carnage (A), the Base (B), and the Engine (C)

1. Cut the undercarnage (part A), the base (part B), and the engine (parts C) to the dimensions shown on the drawing.

2. Drive a couple of small brads into one of the mating surfaces

3. Snip the heads off the brads so about 1/16" protrudes—this will keep the glued parts from sliding when glamped.

4. Assemble the two parts C with glue and clamp securely.

5. Allow the glue to dry overnight.

6. Remove the clamps.

7. Locate and drill the holes for parts D and E as shown.

8. Use clipped brads again to keep the parts from sliding, and glue and clamp parts A and B to parts C.

Step 2: Make the Racks

1. Cut five-quarter stock to a width of 2-3/4" and a length of 10" to make the two tracks (I).

2. Lay out the location of the 1-1/2" diameter by 1/2" deep holes on each end.

3. Use a 1/8" diameter spade bit or Forstner bit to drill the holes.

4. Use a router equipped with an edge-guide and a 1/8" diameter bit to cut the 1/8" deep x 1/8" wide grooves,

5. Use a compass set for a radius of 1-1/2" to mark the curves on each end of the tracks.

6. Use a band or saber saw to cut out the curves. Step 3: Obtaining the Lathe-Turned Pieces

Lathe turn the the spacers (parts L), track wheels (parts N), wheels (parts P), spacer pegs (parts M), track wheel pegs (parts O), and wheel pegs (parts Q) to the dimensions shown, or obtain them from a wood craft or hobby store.

Step 4: Make the Blade

1. Cut 3/4" thick stock to a width of 2-1/2" and a length of 9" to make the blade (J).

2. Use a table saw or hand plane to apply the beveled edge.

3. Locate and mark the location of the two '1/2" diameter holes.

4. Bore each hole to a depth of 1/2".