Creative Woodworks & crafts 2000-01, страница 45

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2000-01, страница 45


Kubbestoi or log chair carved in a dragon style motif.

Medieval Stave Church portal reproduction. To be part of a repro


Tribute to Sons and Daughters

of the Pioneers

A Tribute to Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers, Wisconsin 1848-1998 was designed, carved, and painted by Phil Odden for the Wisconsin Sesquicentennial celebration of 1998. It is the culmination of several projects using the theme <jf tli^ ^m^^^nj^

putting wood up for the winter. M ^ " '^^^^^^BBH^BBBBbM^^P^^^^^ ' ^^MnM

is the honest work ethic and val- IjPBWfg^' " * ' ■'■yjBSm

ues of these sons and daughters 'f|I ' ) A 4lfl§t§

of pioneers that have been passed ^ y'i , ./ /. *

on which have built Northern jf: \ #JHh

Wisconsin into the wonderful place it is.

It took Phil almost two years to work up the drawing and composition of the piece. He spent about six weeks carving it. Phil used basswood and American linden with acrylic paint. 45