Creative Woodworks & crafts 2001-10, страница 6

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2001-10, страница 6


Wood: wood of choice—one piece 1/8" x 10" x 10" Tools: scroll saw with assorted blades; drill with bits Temporary-bond spray adhesive Sandpaper, assorted grits Clear finish of choice

Felt in color of choice, one piece 10" x 10"

by Briden Woodworks c/o Brian Vollmershausen and Denise Green


Make a photocopy of the pattern and adhere it to the selected stock with spray adhesive. Bore:blade entry holes in the waste areas of the pattern. Make the. interior cuts first, then saw around the perimeter. Thoroughly sand the piece. Appiy two coats of clear finish to the wood. When dry, attach the piece of felt (cot into the circular shape of the pattern) onto the back. Hang and enjoy! («