Creative Woodworks & crafts 2001-11, страница 39

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2001-11, страница 39

---,---Make a V stop cut to outline

the ears.

Step 5. Make stop cuts along the smile lines, from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.

Step 7. Make a V cut to indicate the mouth opening. Carve the chin, indicating the button of the chin with a small cleft and the edge of the bottom lip. You can make the pirate look more rugged by keeping these cuts bold.

wiwf, 9. Carve away the wood around the ears to make them stand out away from the face. This guy had big ears. Carve in the shapes for the bandanna and the tufts of hair that show below the bandanna.


For the pirate, I used oil paints more as £

a stain than a heavy coat of paint. I |

applied the paint with a brush and then §

immediately wiped it off with a soft f

cloth. This allows the wood to show \ through the paint.

Cover the face, neck, and hair with §

flesh color. Wipe off the excess paint I

with a soft cloth. Add cadmium red to |

the cheeks, ears and tip of nose, again § wiping off excess paint. Add the hair

and eyebrows with burnt umber. Use |

this same color on the strap. Paint the | bandanna cadmium red.

The shirt stripes are painted with |

green and white. Paint the beard stub- §

ble with a small brush and thinned |

black. Do not wipe off this thinned paint |

as it will smear. Add a black dot for the §•

irises and put white dots of paint to indi- £

cate the whites of the eyes. Paint the | earring gold ochre.

To mount the cork, drill a 1/4" hole in %

the cork. First glue the dowel into the |

hole at the bottom of the carving, then \

glue the cork to the other end of this |

dowel. Srs j

___r Carve the mouth mass. Make

sure that the mouth is arched from front to back. It is common to make the mouth too flat, so avoid this. Now draw in the line for the mouth. Be sure to give this pirate a crooked mouth, one corner up and the other down.

4. Make a bracket cut at the of the nose and at the eye with-patch. The 6mm veiner is about the right size for this cut. Begin forming the eye mass on one side of the face and the eye patch on the other.

Step 10. On the pirate's right side, carve the knot just behind the ear.


■the lines in the shirt, and the scabbard belt.

3G • Creative Woodworks 6. Crafts November 2001