Creative Woodworks & crafts 2003-11, страница 6

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2003-11, страница 6


Wood: oak or wood of choice—one piece 1 /2" x 8" x 8" (for plaque); Baltic birch or wood of choice—one piece 1 /8" x 8" x 8" (for backer board) Tools: scroll saw; No. 2R reverse tooth scroll saw blades; drill with 1 /16" bit Spray arid G/ue temporary adhesive Sandpaper, medium- and fine-grit Tack cloth

Spray-on polyurethane varnish Can of spray paint in a dark color or color of your choice (for backer board) White wood glue 2-part epoxy glue Hanger

Patterns Located in Full Size Pattern Section No. 1!

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fS: Copy your pattern so that you may retain and H reuse the original. Spray a thin layer of Spray and mm

%:'j:::.;iG!ue, or any other temporary adhesive, on the MM. Finishing Procedure

3f|S';back of the pattern. Let this sit a minute or two and m if you used oak or other such hardwoods, spray the inside

III"- - allow it to tack up. The surface should feel tacky, ',;§ holes first with a polyurethane spray finish. (Satin finish was

■f but not too sticky (much like the feeling of masking 7/i; used in the example.)

tape). Press the pattern piece to the oak or wood IM| Spray the face of the project with a polyurethane finish,

of your choice and smooth it out. You may wish to.MK, While you are waiting for the project to dry, spray paint;;

apply clear packaging tape to the entire surface "J both sides and the edges of the Baltic birch backer board;

%S" of the design to help you avoid burning the hard- '^Ip the color of your choice. Apply a polyurethane finish on thi$

f- ' wood. " backer board when dry to provide o protective finish.

Drill all the holes and cut out the design as you would When dry, apply white wood glue sparingly to the back;

with any other fretwork pattern. Stop cutting before you side of the fretwork project. Place the backer board onto,

;0}S cut outline of the leaf shape. the project and lay on a flat surface. You may weigh it.

To make the backer board, begin by spraying glue on a down or clamp it if necessary until the glue dries.

ISS-; blank sheet of copy paper and attach it to the 1/8" Baltic Use the 2-part epoxy according to the label directions to;

.birch. Next, use spray glue to attach the plywood and glue a hanger on the back of the plaque. ||£;Ycopy paper to the back of your T/2"-thick' pattern piece.

f Scroll saw the outer perimeter Of the pattern design to for questions concerning this project, call Sheila Bergner/

> complete the cutout. Remove the Baltic birch from the (708) 532-5624.

|back of your piece. Your backer board will riow match the V

I outline of the pattern piece exactly. J$|k 6* Creative Woodworks & Crafts' November 2003