Creative Woodworks & crafts 2004-08, страница 31

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2004-08, страница 31

Theresa Ekdom of Roscommon. Michigan, designed and cut the ornaments shown here. The ornaments are crafted from aromatic cedar, except for the stocking witli fabric and the painted ones, which were made from aspen. Theresa intends to make her ornament designs available iti pattern packets soon. She welcomes your feedback and may be emailed at ekdomtd@voyager.nei. Keep up the fine work, Theresa!

Don Claar (right) and his student, Gene Starkev, designed and crafted this striking intarsia project for the fellowship hall of their church in Lake City, Arizona. Gentlemen, we are impressed with the fruits of your labor! Don may be reached via his website:

Jim Honenberger of Lynn, Indiana, was recently asked to make an intarsia project of a cow's head. After looking through his huge pattern collection, he could not find an appropriate design. The person who wanted the intarsia cow has two daughters who used to raise cows as 4-H Club members. At one time, the two girls had a Chiangus cow whose photo they had kept. Don was able to create a pattern based on this photo, which is shown here along with the projecr. By the time he completed the pattern, Don was in a hurry to complete the project, so he used a piece of southern pine he had on hand. As soon as one of the young ladies who raised the cow-saw the intarsia, she recognized that it was her cow—die similarity was close enough for her! The project was donated to a Dairyman's Convention as a prize for a charity raffle.

For those of you who are curious, a Chiangus cow is a mixed breed that combines a Chianna (this one was white) and an Angus (usually pure black). Chiangus cows possess a unique "topknot" that resembles a toupee, as well as a pronounced bulge in the lower neck. Don—we have no beef with your fine work!

Here's the photo of the Chiangus cow and calf from which the intarsia was fashioned.

Creative Woodworks 3. Crafts August 2004 • 18