Creative Woodworks & crafts 2005-08, страница 18

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2005-08, страница 18


continued from page 17



The best way 1 have found to solve this problem is to trace rtiy wood over the slots. The lines you trace, no matter how thick they are, will all be outside the wood. So when you cut the slot out. you need to cut just inside the line and not the line itself. As yon trace, down the side of the wood, look for a gap between the line and the wood. If your pencil lead is not super sharp, it will not trace right along the edge of the wood and your line will be too far out.


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What, yon arc trying to do is mate a perfect slot, so accuracy is important.

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In this case, we look at the pattern layout and decide thai if we just move the shelf up from the. bottom it will nof affect the length of the brace. The slot for the shelf will need to be traced in this position to give us a line to follow for the new slol size.

In this case, we look at the pattern layout and decide thai if we just move the shelf up from the. bottom it will nof affect the length of the brace. The slot for the shelf will need to be traced in this position to give us a line to follow for the new slol size.

By the time wc have checked every slot and tab lor size, our final pattern could look something like this. Remember lo leave the lines, and maybe even just, a little white inside the lines, lo get those labs and slots to fit really tight.

Without, doing the preplanning on this simple pioject, you can imagine how many problems you could have had. Your slots would probably not have been as tight as they are now. In lacl, the slots would not have been wide enough Tor the wood to fit in. The shell' slot would have been cut too low, and you would have had to trim the bracket to make it fit. Stop and think about how much time it look to check the pattern and trace the slots before you did any cntting. Now think about, how long it would have taken you to try to fix all of the problems after the parts arc cut. A little time spent in preparation can make a very big dilTerence in the final project.

For questions cr comments concerning this article, please contact Rick Hutchescn, Box 227, Grimes, Iowa 50! I J. err.'OiJ: ric4/(&,'scrollsaws.ccm q

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