Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 11

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 11


wcxrtmop*or»oodc'c'oic+-onep*c© *>acbn:ho**ocK>-on©piec*i/r»rvr (tobockboan*

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Photocccv the pottem *ovng t« ««>g:no tor fVtur© Ul© Mm th© potio-n t© ft ** P*C© Crf mop* Aixtfr O low coot & temporary, tx'-o ipror o&m** to -o bock of tho poltorrv on<j o'o«* th© to *gh»y «v * *©o* ?o;ky *© nxnking top© potfom 10 ih© wooo. Co*©* tho pott©™ ooo win c^kv pock>«g •ape |fho tapo jtK»cor©i tho btoO* wVh hoJpi c^ovont bunv


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tho mop'© Owning tho outor toyy. frrt cirflrg tno p ol th© DOlf©m. through bom tKctaMM*©* of wood o* th© JO"* VT# >»* ©TYKT© TO*

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