Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 9

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2007-01, страница 9

from the editor's desk

A Fch Mi^hli^hts From Our Next Issue (No. 122) on sale January 2nd. 2007

Don"I miw these ii|Hoiniiifc of

Creative Woodwork* & Craft\'!

IMMNO >22 o* %c*m joowory 200? H»v« Ho U) o« veto »«0»vorr X»h 2097 HW* Ho 124 . on to* Apt irtJ 200 ■*

Oh< k us fji/wi. ...» www.woodwofkiondcrafh com

Bobbie McGowort Monogir? t<*tr

Mr fa^rfy and I *oco«-x«d th* pavt uxr/rvy r> Acodo Manor** ^ in Mono. On our ftrvl ovonog wo aoexfed to <*r#© up Codtoc vc.f.'on which n Iho hghet* pom on !h© oatftcn -.oatxxTO |W wo* humping to voo o> tKycWt vp tt>o mour^on at w© chuggod

dMiy In o^r mnvo^J At wo uc^ up to th© poc* a* '«v© o* ka vrrv p^ <Xmbv*uck ob*OMO pooutv ol ** tond Amotf^, my bo-.

tv>d no* complonod wh©n twttchod »OCk> ttohon fcom pop roc« to donc<A ond at wo wound woy up ftto povt Way«r*t ol the began to c** vflih vnicra ol tho tun jut! ttort^g to vol ow thn rrcu^aim and ih© cotcorvttrtg brats toaring trrough ou ip©o»eu wo oj^ortoocod on© ol thot© ctavvc VrtpiroNonoT mom©«v»t ai I'm©* hco rot. it a <3*%c\Jt to gwo o^r creow© rr*A# **»tp«tr<g idoas to ui.

Ol cour*©. wo ore i«4dom lortuoofo to hove #wpro»<o M ut ow mo hood. Th© roal cralongo it to

W>d osorotoo al obou« ut. Jn al tro ntno" tttngt. I om s»vcfc by haw wot our dovgnort for Oooftv©

woodwcrti & Crof tj ar© obte to do**t ttxy. loo* to tofcfrtfon's "Wf^ot for Roorogard" for an ©*omp4© ol th& wfioro tho capMod tty> mox o-pooorcod by a grt at sr* btowt danOcCon «%fch©t for hor txwt buddr. And bnjee -y/n© Country- t^m o so^og ol vw© and cheet* r/o a beo^l^ wo* ol art.

John Potwrxn « O mott©r Ot fndog VOurCOt ol IrnpfcaSOfV wh©th©r *"t a grorxJ ownt Iko hfc ion'* wtOOr.g

that cxorrp*od hm to h»t "Ov^ frar*? or |UV' tho c*oo*v© V ^ : __L__

O Chfcxro fotiot buckof crsl docOOd * CO) - ' h« '<h> wcrttHKX |>ohn t fr.t n a t^ol of

art<iot obou* mo^ng thop oojipmom r» trn roodon oro to bonoli Vtxn John's

Aho tNt nvco bo»

Ung and tCO Vo»o ol KTOlOdVKirt!

by ttonc*t. Nor do*cofo mrv-< to Jcoff *OCMnXrkr. toy toom thopo 10 Homo ItOf

to vn that