Creative Woodworks & Crafts-050-1998-winter, страница 65

Creative Woodworks & Crafts-050-1998-winter, страница 65

Dirk Boelmar* wilh 24" Kit Scroll Saw


Gorgeous reproduction of the time-proven Velocipede No. 2 saw from the 1870s! 24" throat; extremely accurate and usable! Price: $1,195.00 + $40.00 shipping.

Cast-aluminum reproduction of Velocipede No. 2 pedal scroll saw


by Bob "Captain Sawdust" Van Horn

When choosing a blade for your sow, the length of the blade is yet another consideration. While some blades can be too short, others, such as many blades imported from Japan, can be too long and must therefore be trimmed.

Japanese blades usually come packaged as either "Apollos" or "Supers." These blades are 6"-long and have reverse teeth. I personally like the extra inch these blades provide, as it is always possible to cut off the extra length to position the reverse teeth in the proper location.

These blades are designed for older jigsaws, and they work wonderfully in fhem. They also work well in "C" arm type scroll saws, but will sometimes stretch when they are first used. This stretching can be resolved by retensioning your saw after initially working with the blade.

Size translations

Now that Ron King has made the sizing of blades a bit easier to comprehend, let's expand this lesson a bit. Both German and Japanese blades also follow a blade numbering system, but there is no standardization among manufacturers. German blades are usually fairly similar in size to their U.S. counterparts, as they are numbered 1 through 12. The size may vary slightly, but following the domestic size chart is generally a good gauge of size.

Japanese blades, however, are a whole new saw game:

Japanese blades

No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 As far favorites.

German/U.S. blades (approximately)

No. 3 Nos. 5-7 No. 9 No. 12

as these blades are concerned, I do have a few For cutting Baltic birch and 3/4" pine, either a No. 3 or No. 5 German blade with reverse teeth does a splendid job.

2" pine, the No. 3 Apollc

blade really does the trick.

And for cutting 1-1/2" to 2" pine, the No. 3 Apollo Japanese

So while you're sorting out all of this information and gathering your own data, remember this: good blades will cut well on any saw, but bad blades can make even a good saw worthless. |SS



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In the Feb. 1997, Creative Woodworks and Crafts, Dirk Boelman said of this Kit Scroll Saw, "as much fun to use as it is to build, and for its quality, the price just can't be beat."

Saw comes with instructions for assembling the saw and building the stand. You supply the wood for the stand, the switch, and electrical supplies (motor sold separately).

This saw is comparable to scroll saws costing over $1,000 elsewhere! Price $195.00 + $6.00 shipping.