Popular Woodworking 2000-02 № 113, страница 42

Popular Woodworking 2000-02 № 113, страница 42


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Visit an active forge operation where cabinet hardware is made just as it was 200 years ago, by hand and one piece at a time.


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eel on the left is bent, welded and hammered into the shape at right: a traditional rat-tail hinge. In the pre-industrial period, hardware such as this would have been made from iron, and it wouldn't have been made from the standard sizes at left.

eel on the left is bent, welded and hammered into the shape at right: a traditional rat-tail hinge. In the pre-industrial period, hardware such as this would have been made from iron, and it wouldn't have been made from the standard sizes at left.

Photography by Christopher Schwarz

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By Steve Shanesy