Popular Woodworking 2000-10 № 117, страница 21

Popular Woodworking 2000-10 № 117, страница 21

A nostalgic look back at plans published by Delta' Machinery before and during World War II.


From Volume 15, Issue No. 3, 1945




Here's a popular type poker table with a novel arrangement for dividing the tray for a varying number of players.

The center part of the table is 3/4" plywood and the tray ring may be made either from eight splined hardwood segments or two plywood halves joined together on the center line. The tray ring is made up first, and the 2" x walnut rim is then fastened to the inside of this ring. The outside walnut rim is then fastened to the outside of the tray. The center part of the table is then covered with green felt and inserted into the middle of the tray so that the top surface is flush with the upper edge of the rim. The completed tray is then fastened to this center part with screws only, so that the felt may be changed. The legs are then made and assembled in two units which are hinged to the underside of the table. A wood spring of hard wood such as ash, maple or birch holds the legs in either the folded or open position.

Eight blocks are now cut from 3/4" walnut to fit the inside of the tray. These blocks should have a sliding fit and should be long enough to hold a small ash tray and a glass. These blocks will then slide anywhere you wish inside the rim to divide the playing surface into any number of spaces up to eight. PW


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