Popular Woodworking 2008-10 № 171, страница 6CON! ■tTT POPULAR 1 . WooDworkinr HOW. OKmr W*>y IK-O MW,' O OCTOKfl 2006. VOL 28. NO. 5 ptifiuUr^ixxlwxHking torn rtHTORui orricri in mijwo SttvcShancsy fonoa ChrtttOflhcrSchwaiz xl M07 adim «h»-jrr<®f*-puht.o.nn MTOMKTM I iikUW.iU-xl 1396abnd*.watui0fWpul*eoai uuaiiOilM MxnW Uns xl 1327 a robcn bn*«wpuU com hmcm imtm lilen I>. Hixy XllWl.Rltn htK>«<wpjbMom UANAICIUCIMTO* Wyjan I n:[utrkl: xl 1 )4tUmcgin .fkzpcartck4fivpute.com ASSOCIATE Eonoa fO* r* ntt Drew DclVnninj? Xll006«drcv»xlcpctininj^PlwpuJ»xoai !R A1 Pjirrish l"«W PUBLICATIONS. INC. OUMUANtCCO David Nuwbaum $i««vt.MAHuf*awimc«mooo<TKm rtiilGntum VR.mjwwaouhmg B-irbaraAnnSchmn; MioirMvrmnRAcrmM(OM VhnLerncr DMKT0M.IT MikcKuchn F«W PUBLICATIONS. INC. MAGAZINE GROUP nuuMNT IXivkiBLuistVU vr.coMuuituAMirmc su-aDtOrio 0«tKT0a.iMiM«nAMMC ToniWamk COsfCMHCt MKCTOa \ira Dumfcfd OKMAIKMDMEKTOa I .ndl I n,*I NfWHTAMODIItKTOa MisanRov DMCT0a.»G«Ai media xnimows Midttd Kmhnrr p«000cri0H coowxKAioa Wlri Whitford ADVERTISING AovtimsnGoaucToa Don Schroder 3)1 N Arch* .AIIenwwn.PA 18104 TO. 610-821-4425;»« 610-821 -7884 dxhrodcr&tvnzonnrt ONUNfUlHOMiClOa JiyGwuk TO.212-447-1400X266 jaygussak&fwpub&com UlISC00*MUT0t KrwjMivrl TO 513-531-2690x11311 knsM.morclftfwpuhsoon) Glen D. Huey This month. Glen celebrates his two-year anniversary as senior editor a« Popular Mwdwortong and U'oodmwtong Magazine. He docs, however. still build custom furniture on the side - a not-so-carefully wiled excuse 10 keep his professional shop with its wide-belt sandcr. In fact, we shot the cover picture for this issue there. Somehow. Glen finds time to write books, too. His latest, which includes a DVD with how-to video demonstrations, is "Trim Carpentry for the Homeowner" (Popular Woodworking Books). 10 ■ P.V"1" WxxUwIun* l\v*xr}00A MjBS< R«TTIONMrVKIS:Sy-KrV<* ■».>>»« Kvo.ilr.1 joj theim «jn he melr * «pUjr*»xxki«iini<om M -Cutfoaw ^.nOS t ro a«>«xtf i\K<hi< am. it uw o)iv<xjmi iw «T7-BNX'll«t)<f UKkM6- I Wl I.. . *V )0J| jcttvu w«h jM •Kjutrfn, Allow 6U8M«it driMfY. M W\MVtl)l)IMKIS4IIIOV< MfcCnuUawCo. 7 » (trw* Ciud Nn< <*Kv<l !S| 0.*b4l> ATIIHTIOSRIIAlltRS.Tui.m/».|]ul«lluuA«>4>win imiM' 1.,'Knnr.i 4i.V>< < i>tK*i>.l\jk-v PO 6I»V>1I.WJ, W WW S0I4. RACK ISSVIS****U*.t*ll«002S8 0929 fag prK myc« vfU piyiinioQiKoVii^an Sndtlniarfflavv<i4nlaft|Wiir l\ mftuvi*B*1 l«o»v f-W INihlcjoom IVaJuth. TOOLSuirSL. kit. Wl UVtO. fw Marc Adams is the founder of the Marc Adams School of Woodworking in Franklin. Ind. In this issue, he writes about table saw safety (page 45). Anyone who's attended Marc's school knows about his affection for all things Disney. So in between classes, he's been working on a "Beauty and the Beast" bed for his daughter's room, based solely on illustrations from the film. It's made of poplar, and painted white with an undertone of blue (those cartoon colors can be quite a challenge to match in reality!). Marc describes the bed as "curvy and swervy," with myriad elaborate hand- carved details. And it's big So big. in fact, that it doesn't quite fit. The bed is I* too tall for the room, an issue he plans to get around by cutting the carpet and pod- Christopher Schwarz, editor of this magazine, is wrapping up his latest book project: "Mechanlck Exercises: The Art of Joinery." That title no doubt sounds familiar -"Mechanick Exercises," by Joseph Moxon, wasthe first woodworking book written in English. Originally published in the mid-17ih century, Moxon's work describes the things you would find if you walked into a 17th-century joiners shop - and hand tools haven't changed much duringthe last three centuries. What has changed is the English language. So to make the book more accessible. Christopher has modernized spelling, grammar and sentence structure. In addition, he'sadded photographs to help illustrate Moxon's words, and commentary on how 17th-century tools and techniques can be used effectively in the modern-day shop. "Mechanick Exercises: The Art of Joinery* will be available this fall from Lostanpress.com. |