Popular Woodworking 2009-06 № 176, страница 9

Popular Woodworking 2009-06 № 176, страница 9

• Tricks of the Trade


Bar Clamp Hold-down

I here arc times when I need to hold small workpieces on end ai i he bench for drilling pocket- screw holes, clamping box sides together and other operations. I've always found the process awkward and wished that I had a third hand. As the next best thing. I designed a fixture to hold a parallel-jaw har clamp at the end of my bench. It's basically a box that's built to hold a clamp head snugly without play, with the inverted body of the clampextendcd above the benchtop. The box is attached to a panel thai screws to the underside of t he bench.

Now when I need to clamp a workpiece on end. I just slip the clamp's head into the bracket, raise the opposite jaw. slip the piece under it and clamp it down. No more fumbling. For wide boards, multiple hracketscan be used. lf>ou like, youcanclampthe bracket to the bench rather than permanently screwing it in place.

—Gary Scoggins. Hay ward. California

Cash and prizes for your tricks and tips!

Each issue wc publish useful woodworking tips from our readers. Next issue's winner receives a S2 SO gift certificate from Lee Valley Tools, good for any item in the catalog or on the wrb site (lcfvalley.com). (The look pictured at right are for illustration only, and are not jwn uf the prue.)

Kurmers-up each receive a check for $50 to $100. When sub-mining a trick (either by mall or e-mail) you must include your complete mailing address and a daytime phone number. If your trick is selected for publication, an editor will need to contact you. All entries become the property of Popular Woodworking. You can send your trick by e-mail to popwoodtricks#fwmedia. com. or mail it to Tricks of the Trade. Popular Woodworking. 4700 E. Calbraith Road. Cincinnati. OH 45236.

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