35 - Revolving Tool Station, страница 9FINE TOOLS (the position of the vial. blank. Since the vial holder is quite small, it's safer and easier to start by planing an oversize blank to a thickness of %" (the width of the mortise). Then, after ripping it to final width (%"), you can cut the blank to length (23/4"), see Fig. 6. Once the blank is cut to size, the next step is to drill a hole through the ends to accept the level vial. Because you need to stand the blank on end, it's a bit tricky holding it by hand. But tightening the workpiece in a handscrew will hold it firmly in place, see Fig. 6. notch. Next, to create an opening in the holder that lets you see the vial, you'll need to cut a wide notch in the top edge, see Fig. 7. Again, since the piece is small, I used a handscrew to hold it in place and cut the notch .with a coping saw. As before, a 'chisel makes quick work of cleaning up the corners. At this point, you're just about ready to install the holder. But first, you'll need to drill two countersunk shank holes for the machine screws that hold it in place, see Fig. 7a. These holes provide a handy way to establish the location of the threaded inserts. All you need to do this is to center the holder in the mortise and use a brad point bit to mark the location of each insert, see Fig. 8. DRILL COUNTERSUNK SHANK HOLES FOR MACHINE SCREWS
inserts. Drilling the holes for the threaded inserts is easy, see Fig. 8a. The trick is installing them so they go in nice and straight. What worked well here is to start by chucking a cutoff bolt in the drill press and tightening two "jam" nuts on the end, see Fig. 8b. Then, with the end of the bolt threaded into the insert, rotate the chuck by hand to install the insert. assembly. With the inserts in place, you're ready to assemble the vial holder. The first step is to press the vial into the holder. To ensure that the indicator lines on the vial remain centered, I used small washers as shims. These washers fit between the ends of the vial and the machine screws, see photo on page 8. Now all that's left is to install the vial holder. Although it may seem unusual at first, the best way to do this is to hold the vial holder upside down. This way, the springs won't fall off the machine screws as you tighten them into the threaded inserts. HOLDER SCRAP 1/4" INSERT CUTOFF BOLT FIRST: CENTER HOLDER IN MORTISE NOTE: TURN DRILL PRESS CHUCK BY HAND JAM NUTS DRILL HOLE TO FIT 14" INSERT No. 35 ShopNotes 9 |