35 - Revolving Tool Station, страница 10FINE TOOLS Braee P\ateeCOVER PLATE DETAIL SzEJ NOTE: PLATES ARE Vi6"-THICK BRASS r#4x1A" Fh \ SCREW LEAVE SCREW A HEAD PROUD, I THEN SAND FLUSH WEAR PLATE COVER PLATE slot" in the cover plate so you can see the bubble in the vial. Drilling non-overlapping holes and filing the edges smooth makes quick work of cutting this slot. taper ends. Before attaching the wear plates, you'll want to taper the ends of the level. You can use the same template as before to lay out the basic shape. Then cut the ends to shape, see Fig. 10. attach wear plates. The wear plates also have to be shaped to match the ends of the level. But it's easiest to do this after you attach them to the level. The plates are held in place with brass screws. The heads of these screws will need to be sanded flush with the plates. To do this, I attached 220-grit silicon-carbide sandpaper to a flat surface and sanded gently back and forth. pile & sand plates. All that's^^ left is to file the edges of the wear^^ plates to shape, see Fig. 11. Then sand them flush with the level. The brass plates on this level do more than provide a nice contrast with the walnut body. A cover plate protects the top vial, see margin. And two plates on the bottom reduce wear. Note: We used l"-wide strips of brass. It's available at most hobby shops. To fit the recesses cut earlier in the level, there's a gentle curve on the end of each plate. The trick is getting a perfect fit where the curved end meets the shoulder of the recess. template. To do this, I made a template out of posterboard (see margin), then used it to lay out the curved ends on the brass. file. Now it's just a matter of filing the ends to fit. What works well here is to set the file in a kerf in a scrap block, see photo A. Then pivot the brass back and forth, checking the fit frequently. countersinks. The next step is to drill countersinks for the screws that will be used to attach the plates, see Fig. 9. After laying out the location of these holes, make a punch mark to keep the bit from wandering, see photo B. Then drill each countersink so the screw heads will be just a bit proud, see photo C. (They'll be sanded flush later.) view slot. In addition to the countersinks, there's also a "view Use this full-size pattern to make a template of the curved ends of the plates as well as the torpedo shape of the level. NOTE: USE PAPER TEMPLATE TO LAY OUT \ SHAPE WASTE SECONP: FILE AND SAND WEAR PLATE TO SHAPE FIRST: ATTACH WEAR PLATE TO LEVEL 10 ShopNotes No. 35 |