46 - Utility Workbench, страница 20FEATURE PROJECT DRAWER SLIDE LOCATION /<D #& x VA" Fh WOODSCREW TRIM STRIP DRAWER ASSEMBLY (SEE FIG. 7) Drawers To provide plenty of storage space, there's a bank of three drawers on the left side of the bench, see drawing at right. But I didn't start building them right away. First, I had to install a couple of large, flat panels to mount the drawer hardware. LEFT SLIDE PANEL. I began with the left slide panel (K), see Fig. 4. It's a piece of 3A" MDF that's cut to fit between the front and back legs. To fit the panel around the stretcher, youH need to notch the upper front corner. MOUNT SLIDES. After cutting the notch, I mounted the drawer slides. It's easier to do this now than having to reach inside the bench to do it later on. (To locate the slides, refer to Front View in the drawing at right.) Before installing the panel, there's one thing to be aware of. The panel has to be flush with the inside face of the leg. Otherwise, when you open the drawers, they'll hit the leg. SPACERS. To shim out the panel, I added two spacers (L), see Fig. 4. These are strips of W MDF that are sandwiched between the panel and the side of the bench. LEFT SLIDE PANEL RIGHT SLIDE PANEL FRONT VIEW SPACER (2" x INSTALL PANEL Now you're ready to install the slide panel (and spacers). The trick is keeping these pieces from shifting out of alignment while you attach them to the side of the bench. This is especially important with the slide panel. To prevent the drawers from binding, the slides on this panel need to align with the slides on the right panel that's added next To accomplish this, I cut a scrap of 3AM MDF and used it as a temporary support to position the spacers and left slide panel, see Fig. 4. After RIGHT SLIDE PANEL #& x V/z" Fh LOOSE RAIL NOTE: RIGHT SLIDE PANEL IS MADE FROM 3/4" MDF TEMPORARY SUPPORT , #& x 2" Fh WOODSCREW NOTE: LEFT SLIDE PANEL AND SPACERS ARE MADE FROM %" MDF 22" DRAWER SLIDE "LOOSE" RAIL LEFT SLIDE PANEL -V- I FRONT STRETCHER 20 ShopNotes No. 46 |