65 - Our Best Bench Yet, страница 6

65 - Our Best Bench Yet, страница 6

Angled holes and odd-shaped workpieces are no match for this handy drill press accessory.

If you've ever tried to drill a hole in a dowel or odd-shaped object (like a turned leg), you probably know how frustrating a job it can be. It's a real challenge to hold these kinds of workpieces steady and accurately on the flat table of a drill press. And it's even trickier if you have to drill an angled hole. Usually, I wind up cobbling together some jury-rigged device to support the workpiece in question. But since building this adjustable V-block system, that's no longer a problem.

It only takes one look to know that this isn't your ordinary, run-of-the-mill V-block. Instead of being made out of a solid piece of wood, this V-block is made up of sliding "plates." The plates interlock like fingers, and

they slide in or out independently to conform to an infinite number of shapes and sizes. From long dowels to cabriole legs to perfect spheres, this V-block is versatile enough to hold just about anything.

Table - The V-block is only part of the system, however. There is also a drill press table that you can make to be used with the V-block. It bolts right on to your standard drill press table and provides a large, flat surface for the V-block to sit on. But more importantly, it also features some unusual hold-downs that can get a secure* grip on awkward workpieces. In fact, the table and hold™ downs work so well that you might want to use them even when you're not using the V-block.


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No. 65