Woodworker's Journal 1980-4-5, страница 26


The Gift Shop (cont'd)


by Harvey E. Helm

The dark richness of walnut in contrast with the light color of maple results in the interesting look of this contemporary styled book rack. It's sturdy, easy to adjust, and will hold just about any size book.

Start by cutting 3 pieces of maple and 2 pieces of walnut to 3A" thick x 1" wide x 14Vi" long. Edge glue these 5 pieces, alternating the maple and walnut as shown in the drawing. Make sure the grain runs in the same direction for all pieces. After allowing to dry overnight, a good sharp plane will do a nice job removing glue and smoothing the surface. Any slight planer marks can be removed with a cabinet scraper. The board can then be cut into two 7 inch long pieces.

Referring to the drawing, lay out the 4»/«* long taper as shown. Cut out waste stock with a band or saber saw. For a good clean look, this piece must have edges that are completely free of scratches or sawblade marks. Make sure the edges are given a complete sanding, starting with coarse grade paper, then working along to medium and fine grades. It may take a little more time, but the effort will be well worth it.

After cutting the V*" x lVi" x 5" ends, bore Vj dia. x Vi" deep holes for the dowel stock. Apply a '/a" radius to both upper corners, then sand all surfaces thoroughly. Assemble parts as shown, then complete the project with two coats of tung oil finish.

Glue Dcvjels into Yz INCM &UND SOCKETS

Loose. Fit For Dovoels & dia. X14/1 DOVOEI-